Thursday, July 21, 2011


  I had an appointment with my Kidney Doctor this afternoon after bowling. I also had my Protime check while I was there. My Kidney function is at  55% and the doctor told me that is to be expected because the medicines I am taking to keep my heart strong does a job on the kidneys. I don't know which one will give up first, the kidneys or the heart. It is what folks with congestive heart failure are confronted with. I am just going to keep on keeping on as long as possible and take one day at a time.
My bowling scores were not too great at 144-144-138 but it does show consistency. I would be happy if I could be above 150 on a regular basis and break 200 once or twice a month. I think more practice will help that a lot.
I helped Melvin get his boat out of the water this morning. Another fishing season has ended. As far as boat fishing is concerned. Just about two weeks more should see the salmon enter the river, I plan on spending time trying my luck but that will be after my drive to Alaska. My next Protime check is August 18th and I expect to be home by that time.
After getting the boat back to the Mels place I stopped by Bernita's place for a haircut then had a light lunch before starting for the bowling alley. The lunch turned out to be too light so I had a hamburger while bowling then fixed a light dinner at 4PM when I got home. It was not long after that that O'Reilly came on TV so my computer time today was limited to this evening. I will get my chess games caught up tomorrow morning, I expect.
I considered some practice bowling yesterday but I got busy with my picture project and let it slide. I am sure it would have helped.
I am happy with some of my Lighthouse pictures but none of them are really 'winners'. The sun was not out much and that takes a lot away from good pictures, especially for amateurs who usually don't have any idea what they are doing. It was fun trying though! My editing program cleans things up a lot and put some color in the scenes that I never saw there before. I really like the Panorama feature of the program, that is something new I am just now learning. Also, using captions on the actual pictures rather than narration is an improvement. I just have to remember to write down more info about each picture I take as I travel along.
This weekend is Sandsations at Long Beach, since it is going to be a nice day I am tempted to drive down and take pictures of the sand sculptures. That would be fun to post on YouTube too!

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