Friday, August 26, 2011


The reunion of cousins went well. Donald, Kenneth and Coya each brought their spouse. Aunt Coral was there with Mary and Caren arrived with a new baby to hand around. The little girl is only a month old and never made a fuss about a thing during the entire stay. Caren left a bit early because the baby had a doctor appointment this afternoon in Longview. Ron had stayed home with the two boys. The rest of us visited until 3PM. That is when we all called it a day. The drive both ways was nice and quiet, the car is running like a top these days.
The weather was much warmer than I had expected it would be but I am not complaining. It was good for my soul to soak up some warm sunshine, good stuff, that vitamin D. I was home about 4PM and had sliced apple and cheese for a snack before O'Reilly came on. It was a good day. Perhaps I will go fishing tomorrow, with such good weather it would be a shame not to.

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