Sunday, September 18, 2011


I never did get to the fishing hole today, it felt cold and damp, a great day to read my book and take a nap. That did not please the little doggie a lot, he likes to get out and go walking, this was just not his day. This is one of those days when I have to be very conscience of what I am eating because I can add about a pound an hour if I am not careful. I may get back to my picture program before the day ends; I have yet to turn on my chess games to see what needs to be done there. This will end up as a do nothing day, I suppose. The sudden change in weather has shot me down, I guess,
This definitely was not a good day to be holding a backyard picnic but I have heard that good weather is supposed to put in at least one more appearance before the month is out. Perhaps the Grape Stomp in Oregon on the 25th will have a warm day to celebrate.

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