Monday, February 27, 2012


.. . . . . I was feeling much better this morning, Natalia left earlier than usual because there is a lot going on at her work. After a bowl of cereal I started a load of laundry and used the ‘waiting time’ to continue reading Moby Dick. The sunshine is especially bright today, sky is a comfortable blue, and the air is like medicine to the lungs. I was able to access Comcast at 5am but by 9am it was impossible. I did get my email answered though so all is fine there. It was about 11:30 that I left the house. I walked south in the direction of the south bay to catch a small boat to Stone Island. One of the larger Plaza’s in town is two blocks south of Natalia’s house and when I got there I decided to sit in the shade and read for a while. It was quit and comfortable, so much so that I felt I really did not have any interest in exploring today. I sat there long enough to finish Moby Dick then decided to return to the house for another book. Natalia had made Meat balls yesterday and left two for me for lunch so I decided to enjoy that before picking up ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ and continuing my travels. I got as far as the beach and found a row of benches overlooking the area where the fishermen bring in their catch each morning.  It turned out to be a nice spot to read, watch the ocean and spy on the locals as they walked buy on the concrete boardwalk. After a time I walked to the Blue Port and had a beer with chips, continued my reading and generally relaxed. By 4pm I had worked up an appetite so I ordered a dinner salad, continued reading and returned home by 5pm. Maybe tomorrow I will get to Stone Island.

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