Sunday, March 11, 2012


. . . . . . This day began before breakfast. That was at 6am and Natalia and I left at 6:30 just as the sun was making an appearance. We stopped on the way to the bus to pick up one other passenger and arrived at the bus location a few minutes later. Natalia was cold and one of the Canadians kidded her about dressing like they dress in the middle of winter in Canada. I was happy to have my light racket with me but it was no longer necessary after about an hour. An open bus, in this case a large truck with bus seating, is not a good thing when the temperature gets down around 50 degrees and I think it might have been that bad when we climbed aboard. The ‘jumping off point’ was over an hour away but we made a couple of stops before getting there so the walk didn’t start until about 10:30. The walk itself was about one hour to the petroglyphs and two crossings of the river getting there and the same amount of time coming back. We had lunch at a ‘restaurant’ that was arranged out of someone’s house, actually two houses about 100 feet apart. The food was good, made just like like woman cooks for her family each day. The kitchren was more basic than you can imagine but it did have a refrigerator. . . . Without any other modern appliances. A wood fired ‘stove’. The whole story will have to be told when I put my pictures together for the YouTube presentation. The drive home was interesting because we expected to be only two hours on the road but some of the guys in the back of the bus wanted to stop for beer and that took a half hour if not more. There were about eight Mexican 6 packs brought on board the bus. That means 6 cans of beer in a plastic bag with ice cubes pored over the top of it. They were having a good old time in the back of the bus except Harold developed a full bladder and asked the driver to pull over to the side of the road so he could relieve himself. The driver found a wide spot to pull out of traffic and as Harold exited the bus hurriedly Natalia picked up the Public Announcement Microphone and said. “Attention, attention, Harold is going to peeeee.” That created a big laugh and the bus continued as soon as he got back on board. After we got into Gold Zone one of the other guys walked up front and told the driver he would be right back, he got off at a red light and went inside a restaurant to use the rest room. We blocked Sunday evening traffic while he was answering his natural needs. When he came running out of the restaurant he almost got hit by a bus, I have pictures, after he boarded we continued on. When we got back to where we had joined the bus that morning the streets were crowded beyond belief so the driver stopped right in the middle of the block and held up traffic for all the time it took us to exit and exchange hugs and good byes. It had been 12 hours since we had climbed on board. I could write for a couple of hours telling about the day but I am too pooped. It is 9pm, Natalia has gone to bed and I am now going to get a bowl of ice cream. The pictures I took today are going to take a lot of explaining, I hope I can remember it all. It was a great day!

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