Tuesday, June 26, 2012


. .  ..  .I bowled 12 lines today and averaged only 131. Took doggy to the vet and had a splint applied to his left leg, X-rays showed torn ligaments. He spent all afternoon chewing at the foot end of the splint so I drove to Pet Co for a cone collar to keep him from that little activity. Of course he had the cone removed before we got home so I put it on him again. We will see how long it lasts this time. He had to be ‘knocked out’ in order for the x-rays to be taken so he has not been in a good mood all afternoon. Perhaps by morning he might feel good enough to eat some food, he certainly did not want anything to eat today. Caren and Ron invited us over for fried clams this evening and it was after leaving there around 7pm that I drove to Longview for the collar. At the moment the dog really hates me for the  splint and the collar. He still has all of his teeth, I can count them from the needle points in my right thumb. Poor doggy, I am sorry he has to go through this. He can’t understand he would be in very little pain if he would just not fight it and relax.

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