Saturday, July 14, 2012


. . . . Ron and Caren were sleeping in today so I had breakfast by myself after finding a service station and filling the T-Bird with another tank of gas. The temp. was 64 with a lot of cloud cover this morning. Later I had lunch with them when the Teigen's went out for breakfast. After lunch Caren and Ron took the kids to the pool. I wandered around the hotel looking for more of the Larsen Clan but was not successful. I took a much needed nap this afternoon and woke up shortly after 3PM. There were several short rain showers while all of this was going on. We left the hotel near 4:30 to attend the Wedding. Things went well for the Bride and Groom. I took a ton of pictures and after I delete the bad ones I will email the rest to Bride Kari. Not that she will need them, there were more than a dozen other cameras recording all that was happening. The Teigen’s and I got back to the hotel at 9PM. I was pretty well worn out and I am sure most of the people [about 150] who were there felt the same way. It was an outdoor wedding and there was not a drop of rain to fall, a great day for the Bride!

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