Monday, January 28, 2013


 . . . . . These pictures were taken on the Mali can a few days ago, the young boy had held up a small fish and when the bird came for it he grabbed the bird by the tail feathers and put it on display for me. It happily flew away when he tossed it into the air. The lower picture shows a man doing the same thing except he did not attempt to capture the bird. If you look carefully you will see the fish in the mouth of the bird. I was unable to enlarge the third and fourth pictures. Strange.           
 MONDAY. . . . . . .  .I felt much better this morning, I am convinced that almost 14 hours of bed rest had a lot to do with it. Natalia fixed me a very nice breakfast this morning and you can be sure that helped too!  After she left for work I did my laundry and a lot of reading while that was going on. It was about noon when I went out looking for Nyquil only to discover that none exists in Mexico these days. I really thought I had purchased a bottle of it last year while I was here but perhaps not. I purchased a bag of oranges to have around because that is the way Natalia fixes orange juice in the mornings. I found some more dry cereal and some really tasty raisins. I had purchased some of the raisins a few days ago but they really don’t last long in my cereal because I like them so much. They are twice the size of any raisins I have ever gotten at Safeway and more red in color. They sure are better than those dried up little things we find in some cereal boxes. I was not gone long but I did eat lunch while out and when I returned to the house I was back in my room napping in short order. Today I feel the possibility of a chest cold coming on but with rest and lots of fluids I will be able to shake it off. Some more warm sunshine tomorrow will help a lot too. I forgot to mention that Natalia left me with a nice bowl of soup that I ate this afternoon. That really was what I needed! Great soup and it really perked me up!

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