Monday, April 15, 2013


I talked the doggy into going for a walk this morning. I was not called for jury duty so I was home early. The sun actually came out while we were walking, certainly not warm but comfortable enough with a light jacket. Later in the day it warmed up enough for me to vacuum out the car and get it looking spiffy on the inside again. As it turned out I ended up getting in some good exercise.

The three pictures above show how the unemployed in MZT pick up extra work by washing cars.  They find a parking spot then wave folks in to that spot and wash the car while they are shopping or just waiting for the job to be finished.  One busket of water  per car, they do a good job but I have never asked what they charge. This activity goes on all over town.
There are no water sprinklers for these large planters in the middle of the street so it is done this way.  They do not have  a way to turn off the water between stops so the guy with the hose aims it back inside the tank while they travel from spot to spot.

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