Monday 12th. I filled the gas tank before leaving
Vernal this morning. It was less than one hundred miles to Grand Junction but
you never know, you know. I did not stop for pictures until I got a few miles
into Colorado State Highway 139. I think
it would take a lifetime to discover all the beauty this state has for picture
taking. The entries below are only a little glimpse of what is available on
that highway alone. The Canyon pictures of the highway winding its way between
canyon walls were something to behold. I do remember driving through there once
or twice before and not having a camera. The pictures were taken from the car
because there is no such thing as a wide spot to pull over to. I arrived in
Colorado Springs too late in the day to find the RR Station that goes to the
top of Pikes Peak so I drove it. It is a one hour drive, covering 19 miles of torture to arrive only a mile above
the starting point. The drive is an experience some folks would not enjoy one
bit. Talk about going over the side! The guard rails are few and far between,
as a couple of these pictures will show. The top is not so great; the parking
lot is of mud, cold mud any time of year. The temperature was 36 degrees at
7pm. I was lucky to get some sunshine so a few of the pics turned out OK.
Tuesday 13th. I was in Limon, Colorado at 8AM
stocking up on groceries. The rain was coming down by the buckets during a lot
of the drive today. By noon I was in Wakeney, Colo. for more gasoline. I
arrived at Ike's Library late in the day and spent most of my time taking a
tour of the house he was raised in. The campus is surrounded by many old houses
that once were the cream of the crop for Abilene but the streets are now in
disrepair and most of the properties are not being cared for. I found a rest
stop a few miles east of town to bed down for the night.
These pics are only a taste of what I have of these locations.
Now it is time to get on the road and visit Truman's Library.
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