Sunday, December 22, 2013


. . . .  After breakfast I laid down to read. The idea was to kill time until the bowling alley opened at 10:30. Well, I fell asleep and woke up at 11AM. It was later than I had expected but I got there and bowled a 130 average for the first five lines and only 143 for the second five. The only good thing was that I did bowl my league average for the day. I was experimenting with putting a 'hook' on the ball and that did not go really well. However, one of my games while doing that came out to a 181. I will go back on Tuesday and try it again. . . . I stopped by Safeway to fill the gas tank and paid 2.999 per gallon. I can not remember the last time I got off so cheap.  The temperature is 50 degrees at sundown, with rain. The car is dirty but I can't seem to get at that job. So it goes on Pleasant Hill. 

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