. . . . .Natalia prepared a very nice breakfast for me this morning, prior to driving me to the airport. We went early so she would not be so late getting to work. The traffic was bad though, I hope she made it OK. The U.S. Air ticket window opened at 9AM and I checked my large bag and had put my bowling ball inside the carry on. Hoping to not have to pay the $35 for the extra bag. All went well until I attempted to take the bowling ball through security.
I was told that it was to large to be carried on board. Rats. I had too drag it back to the ticket window and check it through paying the $35 with my credit card [I had absolutely no cash of any kind with me]. I then had to return to the security area and go through that entire process again. My plan was to land in Phoenix and find an ATM so I would have money to buy a meal while waiting for my connecting flight. So, probably for that reason alone, the flight into and out of Mazatlan was 45 minutes late. When I arrive in Phoenix [late] I had to rush myself through customs, retrieve my luggage, check it in again for the flight to Portland and catch the flight all within 40 minutes. So much for getting something to eat. I phoned Caren to let her know I would be arriving Portland at 7:35 I was entering the tunnel to the aircraft as I completed that call. On the first leg of the journey I had eaten a breakfast bar [I had three of the with me] and had a glass of orange juice. After taking off from Phoenix I again ordered an orange juice and ate another breakfast bar. The pane landed in Portland right on time and Caren was there immediately as I exited the airport with my baggage. She had two Turkey sandwiches and a fudge brownie waiting for me as well as a Vitamin Drink [they taste pretty good]. I finished off the drink and one of the sandwiches on the drive to Kelso. . . . . One of the first things I did upon arriving was put a pot of beans to soak. It was shortly before 9PM when I entered the house but almost 11:00 before I was relaxed enough to turn out the light and fall asleep. . . . On Thursday morning I was awake and up by 5:30, took a shower, ate the second sandwich and was driving out the drive way about 6AM to buy groceries. The engine had to turn over about 3 times before it started but was fine after that. By 8:30 I was home and had the groceries put away. Before leaving the house for my Pro time appointment I turned on the soaking beans to simmer. I also fried three small pork chops, chopped an onion with celery and carrot to put aside for later. The Pro time check was good enough at 1.8 and I made an appointment for May first to have it checked again. I then drove to the bowling alley and performed horribly with a 108-109-129 score. After bowling I drove home to remove the beans from the stove, dump the water, rinsed them and added fresh water with the chopped pork , onion, carrot, celery and a touch of salt. I put that mess on the stove to simmer then drove to Teigens to pick up my doggy. Caren was not home but Ron was there to gather the dog stuff together for me while we visited for a few minutes. Chichi was happy to see me after he finally decided who the heck I was. That took him a minute or two. When I asked him if he wanted to go home he became more excited. We stopped by to see Mel on the way home and he gave me a dozen smoked smelt as a getting home present. Smoked smelt are the best! My plan is to share them with Roy, my landlord. . . . .The beans were on simmer all night and at 6AM I turned the heat up to the first notch above simmer and they began serious cooking about half an hour later. At the moment it is Friday AM, I have read my emails and gotten my chess games all caught up so now I am ready to face the day. I think I will begin by taking a nap.
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