. I slept late and had to rush out of here to get to the Court House. I had attempted to phone for instructions when I got home last night but they were not yet posted and this morning I was so late [I woke up at 7:30] I didn't even think of calling to see if the instructions were available. As my luck would have it the parking lot was empty when I arrived so I knew I was not expected to be there. The instructions had been posted a few hours before and they were for me to phone in again this evening for further instructions. I was home about 8:15 and had breakfast. I left the house about 10:30 to get my haircut. By 11:20 I was at the hospital checking in for my Protime test. It was a bit high so I was told to not take my Warfarin dose this evening. By noon I was at the bowling alley ordering a hamburger with fries. I was getting hungry and I am well aware of what happens to my bowling scores when I have low blood sugar. I was happy enough with my first two games of 153 and 159 but by the time the third game rolled around I dropped to 119. Darn it! That still worked out to a 144 average. I guess I shant complain too much. I arrived back at the house at 3PM and turned on the washing machine. It has been full for several days [it also acts as my hamper] but I have not had time to take care of it. I have to phone the Court House Jury Information number later tonight to find if I have to be available Friday morning. I suppose I will be asked to come in. Another trial starts Monday, I was told by one of the jurors I talked to this morning. This evening I will watch my Thursday night commercials for a while and see how long they hold my attention. I have been lucky with my presently clean car, it was not rained on today
Nothing much going on around here. Things are quiet and peaceful, can't beat that!
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