Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I have been enjoying a day of accomplishment, that always helps me feel better. After breakfast I started a load of laundry then got my email caught up before starting in on my monthly bills. While that was going on the washer cycle ended so I switched things to the dryer and continued with the bill paying and cleaning up the kitchen. My checkbook is now in order again and I am ready for another month of easy livin'. The dryer buzzed me so I folded and put away all the stuff. That was all done by 11AM. I then took a horizontal position and began to read. Naturally I fell asleep but that didn't hurt me a bit. I eventually got up and gathered up the doggie for his once in a while bath. I dried him off really well then turned on the electric heater and placed him on his pad in front of it. He was a happy camper and fell asleep right away. I checked on him later and found he was really baking, I turned off the heater, he was very dry. I don't have a lot planned for the rest of the day. Should phone Ron and wish him a happy birthday. [Tomorrow] I suppose he will be 39 again this year.

1 comment:

  1. I hope he is 39 again because that makes me 37 and MUCH thinner!
