Tuesday, August 28, 2012


. . . . . I was supposed to pick up my new glasses today so I also went bowling while in town. The bowling was fine, I averaged 152 over ten games. The low game was 109 and the high was 207. I thought the previous back trouble may get in the way but I am happy to say that was not a problem. I did notice that my broken toe was giving me fits because the Scholl's shoe inserts that I had purchased for my bowling shoes two years ago have bitten the dust. After leaving the bowling alley I bought new inserts and stopped by the optometrist for my glasses. It is very strange but they are still not right and have to be sent back again for another try. That means another week without the best possible eyesight. I am happy that the problem is not bad enough to cause headaches but the pain in the butt is almost as difficult to accept. After leaving there and stopping by Sears to pick up a Mini-Stepper I had ordered I drove to Castle Rock to visit with Ron and Caren for a while. Ron was getting a lot of exercise cleaning out the old barn they have on the property, I am happy he is doing it and not me. I then drove home and fed the dog. I also put the Mini-Stepper to good use for a half hour or so while Chichi sat back and watched. It is good exercise and I am happy to have it available since I don't seem to get out walking like I should.

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