Saturday, February 23, 2013


. . . . . . I walked to the Post Office to mail a couple of post cards remembering the last time I was there the doors were open but the sign said closed. This time the sign said open and the place was locked up. I was not too surprised because it is Saturday. Natalia’s explanation for the sign being wrong is that this is Mexico. I got on a bus about 10:15 and rode it to the end of the line then caught another coming back to the Central District. . . . .It was near noon when I arrived so I took advantage of the fact that a restaurant I had been in before was just across the street so I went in for lunch. I had my trusty book with me and spent two hours reading and enjoying a Chef Salad. I returned home shortly after 2PM and Natalia was just arriving with a six pack and some groceries. She said she had some friends coming over and I told her I was going to go read and take a nap. I woke up about four and said ‘Hola’ to everyone while I was retrieving my ice cream from the fridge. I took that to my room and started editing pictures I had taken previously. There was some interest in the church so I have posted more pictures of the inside of that establishment below. I attempted to locate some information about the Madonna but found nothing.
After getting home I discovered there is a bit of a glare on the glass cover, sorry about that.
This shot gives you a better picture of that corner of the Church.
The main entrance. This is two separate pictures stitched side by side. A wonderful feature of my edit program.
The scene above the entrance. This camera does a great job with available light. I am sorry I had not done more experimenting with it before. It is amazing how dark it is in there and flash can not do it justice.

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