Saturday, February 9, 2013


.. . . . . I left the house about 10am and rode a bus to the Gold Zone before walking the additional distance to Wal-Mart. That trek was longer than I had expected it to be; it took me over an hour so it must have been close to three miles. After not finding what I was looking for I returned home via bus. After a short potty stop I visited Dona Mary’s restaurant for three Marlin Tacos and a coke to go along with about an hour reading on my latest book. . . . . I then proceeded South on the Mali can to check on the preparations for the big parade. There was expected to be a large crowd there tonight because of the Fireworks Display around 10pm. I had no intention to stay that long at the time so I returned home and read and relaxed until about 6pm when I left just to see what was going on. Natalia had come by to get a sweater for tonight, she and friends are there now having a party and waiting for the Fireworks. I walked to the entrance and was asked for my ticket, I saw no ticket  booth and when I asked about it the man pointed the way I had  come and said something I did not understand. I told him that was a long way to walk and about that time another man with a clip board in hand waved me on through. I said mucho gracias, Senor. Tomorrow I will have to find the ticket booth. I was inside the gate for over an hour, covering the same ground I had been on earlier except now the sun was sitting so it all seemed different. I was home again by 7:30. I have pictures to post and will attempt to ‘splain what they are about as I post them.
This is what the beach at old town looks like at low tide. I have no idea what the situation is in the Gold Zone.
These prices are in Pesos. Not U.S. Dollars
The Mali can is starting to look busy.
This is where the Fireworks display originates. Ten O'clock at night. I will be in bed. Thank you.
I snapped this pic just as the diver jumped. Can you find his feet in the crowd as he goes by?
These are pieces of beef going on the steel needle;
He then turns on the gas burner and bakes it and rotates it by hand. It is then sliced off thinly as the outside gets cooked.
A night view from Natalia's street to the Gold Zone at the far left. I took many pictures today and I will be posting them as the days roll by. It is hard to believe I have been here a month already! 

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