Monday, September 30, 2013


. . .  .I am happy to report that I did get in a forty minute walk today. I knew I needed that so I would not feel so guilty about sitting in the recliner most of the day watching C-span. I believe I am a political junkie and today was a great day for those of us who are so inclined. I thought I might hear from Tom the Computer Guy but didn't. Most of the day was pretty wet and cloudy, I am sure the river is still a mess. My plan is to go bowling tomorrow and I will check out the river on the drive in. The warm rain we have been having has created a lawn out of the gravel driveway, just in time for winter to slip in and ruin it all. It really looks like spring out there.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy Tom was able to come get your computer. He defineately knows what he is doing. They are expecting a baby girl in a week, so I'm sure he will do his best to get it back to you A.S.A.P.
    Colt wrote his numbers in the book you got him. I'm volunteering a couple hours in his class a couple times a week, so it should either be nerve-wracking or fun.
