Sunday, September 1, 2013


…………..SATURDAY 31 ST………I drove to Yorba Linda early Saturday and arrived at the Nixon Library an hour before opening. I used the time to wander around the grounds and snap a few pictures before gaining entry. I was impressed with the Lobby area, they did a good job. The museum was standard fare for the newer facilities, a lot of TV presentations, an opening movie telling of Nixon’s early life [which, like all of the others I passed by]. The tour of the house was interesting and informative. A lot of the furniture is original to the family but there are a few pieces that were added because they were modern for the times, 1912. The kitchen stove is not the one the family had but was close enough to it to fill in.

Parking lot and entrance. Click on it.
The family home built in 1912, on the same property as the Library.

Reagan Entry
After enjoying the Nixon Library I drove to Simi Valley to tour the Reagan extravaganza. I was really impressed with the location. I’m a great lover of the Southern California geography and the view from this Library allows me full enjoyment of Mother Natures wonders…..The Library is huge, it was built around the actual Air Force One and Marine One which are most prominently displayed. How could one not prominently display a full sized Airplane and Helicopter?

I left The Reagan Library around 3:30 and drove to Palmdale to visit friends. I then filled the gas tank and turned North.


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