Monday, June 13, 2011


Kept my doctor appointment at 8:30, all is well. He did set me up with a doctor who has a Bachelors in Snoring  that I have to see. When I sleep on my back I am unable to exhale through my nose. Something gets in the way, the doctor says it may be a polyp. If so I will have it removed. I stopped by Safeway on the way home and left them some more money. After putting the stuff away I ate a small bowl of my famous chili then waved goodbye to the doggie while climbing in the car for the drive to the bowling alley. My results were 93-167-193 then I spoiled a good average by sticking around for a 135. My average for the day was about 146 so I didn’t feel too bad about that. There was a light rain today, off and on, mostly on. The temperature got to about 64. The sun did come out this afternoon. It had to wait until it was sitting to peek out from under the cloud cover though.

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