Thursday, June 23, 2011


I began the day by feeding my hungry dog at 5:30 and going back to bed. I awoke at 7:00 and realized I had to have the car in the shop by 8:30 so I was a bit rushed. I was out of there by 10am and a bit later left the house for bowling. The bowling was not good, 155-111-128. I was not feeling too well about half way through the second game so I ate a small burger and that perked me up but not enough to recover from the terrible 111. I had another snack after bowling then headed for Safeway to spend $47. I purchased lots of goodies that will go in stir fry experiments I am going to try in days to come. Wish me luck. I did sit in front of the TV while O'Reilly was on tonight but after that ended I started in on the vegetables. It took me almost an hour to chop up 6 servings of stir fry vegetables. I am going to freeze 5 of them for later use. I hope my little idea works, it is difficult for me to understand why it wouldn't. A couple of days ago I prepared and froze a dozen slices of French Toast. I had one of those for breakfast this morning, pretty good but it didn't last me through bowling. Next time I should have an egg with it. I think the extra protein would be good for me.
I found doggie was sick while I was away today and he is really under the weather this evening, has no appetite at all and wants to crawl off by himself.Poor guy. This has happened in the past and by morning he has always felt better, I hope that is the case this time.

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