Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Tuesday. . . . The day began with a bit of fog in the air and that was a good thing because as usual in the summer it burned away and we had a nice day. I drove  to Beaverton this morning to have lunch with Terri. After lunch we went to try miniature golf. . . .She won by one stroke………….The doctor said she will be released in the morning and the nurse thinks I should get into anger management classes right away. Terri made me promise not to kick the dog when I got home and I agreed to cool down by them. ….I left Beaverton for the drive home at 6:00 PM and 45 minutes later looked at the odometer and discovered I had covered 6 miles. By the time I got to the Hwy 26 Tunnel traffic was clearing and 8 minutes later I was across the river and on the way home. The traffic was almost nonexistent after leaving the tunnel. The temperature was 86 in Beaverton today and cooled off quickly as I approached Cowlitz county. As per usual.
You will be pleased to know I did not take out my golf score on the doggie.

1 comment:

  1. You weren't holding your mouth right....
