Friday, January 6, 2012


. . . . I started a huge amount of chili this morning. I don’t know how to make a small pot of the stuff.  I can tell by the smell while it is cooking that it is not exactly what I want but I’ll eat it and try again later. Maybe in the spring, it will take that long for me to eat what is here. A friend named Anon Amos asked me to post the recipe on my blog even though it may not be what I want it to be so I will do that.  This time I began with a 1 pound bag of dry kidney beans. Soaked for 36 hours because I went bowling yesterday.
                                                            Today I drained and washed them, added three 14 oz  cans of stewed tomatoes and covered them with water. They cooked on medium heat for 2 hours, adding water as needed. During that time I chopped 3 garlic cloves,
                                                                                                            1 large onion And
                                                                                                            2 dry chili peppers.
                                                                                                            Added 1/2 tsp chili powder,
                                                1 lb Hamburger, stirred it all together and cooked it separately                                          from the beans.
When the beans were soft enough I took a potato masher to them and created a sort of puree before continuing the cooking for another 30 minutes. After that time had expired I added both messes together and cooked it all for another 90 minutes. I was unable to detect garlic in the taste test but decided to leave it alone because it was quite good as it was. It is still not like Mom made so next time I will make changes, perhaps using canned beans, more garlic, chili powder and whatever else strikes my fancy. This recipe made an awful lot of chili!
I never got out of the house today but I got a bit of exercise from the cooking and house cleaning.  I had fun, it was a good day, I’m feeling great and looking forward to Mazatlan! It did rain a bit but I never really noticed except when I took the trash out.      

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