Thursday, January 19, 2012


I have lost most of what I had written about yesterday. It seems there are some buttons that get pushed accidently and I loose several days of work. This Wednesday report will begin with my returning to the house. . . .   I went on a long walk and stopped at a little hole in the wall for a nice meal before heading home. . . When I got back I first of all rubbed that old broken toe with more IcyHot. The toe was really hurting by this time. Usually a good night of rest cures the toe but I don’t feel that will be the case this time.  The blister is of course no better but the toe cancels out the blister. Always something. ….This morning, Thursday I was awake by 6am and found Natalia finishing the cooking she had started last night. It seems she runs family meals on wheels service for her Mother and a friend or two. She cooks their meals, delivers them, works for the University full time and leads a hiking club on Saturdays. And in her spare time she takes in borders like me.  While she was busy in the kitchen I went out for an early morning one hour walk. The walking part lasted about 30 minutes, the other 30 minutes was spent sitting and watching the city come alive, [automobile traffic mainly]. Natalia had finished in the kitchen when I returned so I fixed a bowl of cereal and ate my breakfast., , , , ,  . . .I was out the door at 9am to start my daily adventure. It was not long before I was limping quite noticeably because of the blister on the left foot. I continued on my way slowly forming another blister on the other foot. I walked to the end of the peninsula, at least as far as the University facility Natalia works at. It was then after 11am and I was hungry so I stopped at the most rinky dink food stand you will ever see. I am going to return next week and take a picture of the place. They served me three burritos [small ones] and a liter of beer for 65 Pesos. The food was great! The beer was Pacifica Lite and I didn’t leave much behind. It was noon when I left there and was back at the house and had a shower by 2pm. After the shower I ate a little soup Natalia had left for me, typed some of this blog then put on different shoes and fresh band aids before marching to the Internet Café. I had taken a lot of pictures this morning; I hope some of them become keepers.  I must say I made good time getting to the café, only about 10 minutes.  The shoes are much more comfortable than the sandals, even with two band aids and a broken toe. At the Café I ordered a glass of milk and a very large chocolate brownie.  .  .  .My lesson for the day is to never again go up narrow stairs high off the incoming breakers, without hand rails. The scary part was coming down. There were only 38 steps but as dangerous as Hell for me to try again. I will now post this abbreviated report and add to it tomorrow. At the moment the time is 3:45pm and I have not yet checked my email or chess games.

1 comment:

  1. Snow is just about gone, rain is here to stay. I hope that your feet get better. Take care and post often
