Monday Afternoon: After leaving the Café I walked home to read and rest. I became ‘antsy’ before too long so I decided to start walking in the direction of the Oral Surgeon. After a half hour I came upon the local Pollo Loco which I had promised myself I would try. After walking in and ordering I decided that the original owners had gone out of business and abandoned the building, leaving the signs up outside. It seems to me the new renters are selling their chicken and beans but certainly not the kind that Pollo Loco sells. The meal was good enough, can’t complain but I am sure the real owners of the Pollo Loco Company would not appreciate the dirty conditions that this store is working under. I won’t go back there. It was 3:30 when I left and continued y walk to the doctor. By the time 4PM rolled around I decided to catch a taxi for the last half mile. I arrived at his office at 4:15 and at 4:20 was sitting in the chair. Thirty minutes later I was out the door, the teeth were gone. I felt like walking for a while and ended up getting in an hour and 20 minutes. At this moment, 8:15pm Monday I am feeling fine except I can also detect that ‘feeling, is returning to my mouth. Natalia had some running around to do this evening and was good enough to pick up my pain medicine and a ‘spray’ of some kind I am to use every 4 hours until it is gone. . . . . .When Natalia goes to work in the morning she is going to take my laptop to Carlos and he is going to configure it so it will work from the wireless router across the street. In two months when I get ready to leave he will switch it back to the US configuration. That will certainly help a lot. If all goes correctly I will be able to do all of my puter work right here! Good thing, I say!
Tuesday…I did nothing all day, took the pain pills and slept a lot. Natalia returned, double parked, and brought my puter inside. Carlos told her there is no reason it should not be responding to the wireless router. Natalia then proceeded out the door selling me she would see me tomorrow. I have no idea what she was up to. I took the puter across the street and sat under a lamp post and wrote this after discovering I am able to access my blog but not my Email. I will try the Email again after posting this Blog. I am feeling fine but I am also taking the pain pills as the doctor ordered. Of course I don’t feel any need for the pills but I will continue them for another day or so. . . . It has been cool all day and I find myself sitting out here on the street wearing a jacket, who would believe it! I plan on hitting the streets again tomorrow and continue my exploring. I have to return to my regular Dentist in two weeks to get impressions made for my new appliance. In the meantime, who knows! I’m sorry that I cannot access my Email at present; I will try to correct that by walking to the Café again soon and checking it from there if necessary.
Happy Birthday AGAIN! I think I got the wrong day. Who would have thought you would go to Mexico to get eye teeth pulled? And then walking in the hot sun? Didn't you think that might make it bleed more? Enough of my worrisome griping. You are alright and that is all that matters. If he fixed your computer for the internet then you may have to fix your email for the same language. You are in a foreign country and I never thought about it until you said he fixed it to accept your new country. Now that I think about it, in Cancun when we were there,even the keyboard was different. It was truly a challenge to write on Yahoo (when Yahoo chat was the in thing).
ReplyDeleteEveything is fine here. The rivers are rising, the rain keeps coming and the Ice Storm up north let up somewhat. Not before many people in Tacoma were without power for up to 3 or more days. Tonight I hear Patty is having Wind Storms in Puyallup. If it's not one thing it's another. Those Codeine (Emperin #3's) can be bought in regular drugstores there also. I don't know how many you can bring back with you before they call you a drug dealer, but if you are allowed some bottles to bring back, Please do. We like to keep them in the safe for emergencies. Have a great time! Will read what you write tomorrow.
Bringing ANY controlled substances back into the U.S. makes him a DRUG TRAFFICKER. Is this what you want? To make Uncle Cliff your own personal 'Mule' to haul pain pills (drugs) into the U.S.? SHAME ON YOU!!!! Go find your own drug dealers and stop trying to get Cliff to smuggle drugs for you!
ReplyDeleteYou don't have the first idea what you are talking about as usual. I don't need to have the likes of YOU tell ME what a United States Controlled Substance is. Only you would know what Cliff can and can't do in Mexico. You are the expert on EVERYTHING! For your information Melvin you idiot, anyone that visits can legally buy Emperin 3's. You are so wrapped up in your illegal affairs you think everyone is a druggy like yourself. Stop making accusations when you have never been outside the United States. Uncle Cliff can read, unlike you, but just for you, beings as you are reading my posts and feel it is fine for you to say anything you desire.... I shall point it out for you..
ReplyDeletequote "Those Codeine (Emperin #3's) can be bought in regular drugstores there also. I don't know how many you can bring back with you before they call you a drug dealer, but if you are allowed some bottles to bring back, Please do. We like to keep them in the safe for emergencies."
Now, Melvin the key word there is "ALLOWED".
And can you EVER guess why we keep them in the safe? It's from YOU! Don't you EVER shame me! If anyone needs to be "Shamed" it's you! But I will let you know if I ever need a drug dealer, (which I don't) but I am sure I could use yours.
Just how many bottles of drugs do you need to keep on hand for an "emergency"? According to your own many bottles as Uncle Cliff can bring back without getting caught. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll go down to the pharmacy and ask Ken Davis, and I will go to the cop shop and ask Chief Bob. According to the letters that Sol wrote to our mom, you and Patty had quite the meth lab over there at one time. He described the entire process in great detail. If you need drugs so bad, why don't you just fire your meth lab back up and leave Uncle Cliff out of it.
ReplyDeleteI just returned from the Castle Rock police department, where I spoke to officer Scott Neves. He confirmed what I have said all along, that without a prescription, Uncle Cliff could be charged with posession of a controlled substance (smuggling) if he were found with your drugs in his property upon return to American soil. Officer Neves said that he would call you and inform you of this.
ReplyDeleteSo....I WAS right! Now please find someone else to bring your "controlled substances" into this country and quit trying to get Uncle Cliff to smuggle your drugs!
We all know how close you are to the C.R.Police. I would love to see a letter like you claim Sol wrote about any family member. He loves his family and would NEVER make something twisted and destructive up like you have and still continue. When you run out of things to say you always try to blame Sol (or me) for anything you think would make us look bad and you look good. Grow up. That's Childlike thinking. Like I said before STOP YOUR DRINKING!.