Saturday, December 31, 2011


. . . .It was really foggy this morning so I expected that to burn off and the sun to come shinning through. No such luck, I’m afraid. It was cold most of the day but little rain fell, or snow, goodie, goodie. Watched a SiFi movie on MGM Channel. I didn’t like it, poorly done and lousy acting. It reminded me of the long ago Saturday afternoon Serial Movies that we used to see in the theatres. . . . I just realized that tomorrow is a holiday so I suppose I will not be bowling. I’ll change my plans to Monday for that. . . . I wish you all a very happy New Year!

Friday, December 30, 2011


. . . . Another quiet day on Pleasant Hill Drive. Got a few sprinkles but no really cold weather. I fixed a stir fry for dinner, I’m getting pretty good at that! This evening I watched a couple of commercial free movies and was in bed by 9PM. No exercise today, I’m sorry to say.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


. . . I had more fun shopping than bowling today. And I am not at all crazy about shopping. My bowling scores were 142-110-122, yikes!  Oh well, I guess I won’t be turning pro for a while. But that’s OK, somebody has to be here to feed the dog. I watched football this evening, the Washington/Baylor game was fun and I enjoyed the chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter I had while that was going on.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


 .  .  .I walked for an hour again today, the rain was steady all day, and it was dark out all of the time. At 8AM headlights were still needed and by 4PM it was time to turn them back on. I am looking forward to bowling tomorrow, it causes me to get out of the house and move around a little. I think another stop at Safeway would be in order also. I have heard that the weather is to clear over the weekend, that will be a good thing. The temperature was not bad today, my thermometer was reading 52 at noon.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


.  .  .  .  . . I have no idea what I will post on my blog tonight; I have done nothing all day except eat and nap. Watched a good movie on TV and read for a while. I did walk for an hour though so I don't feel the day was entirely lost.

Monday, December 26, 2011


Day After Christmas. . . I went bowling today. For all of the good it did me. 163-151-103-137-106-120-. I think that works out to about nine points below my average. The good news is that quite often when I don’t do well at practice I make up for it during league play. If that holds true this week I will do well on Thursday. Gotta’ be positive about important matters such as these! After I got back home I had a small lunch and spent over an hour on the computer working out some chess moves. Later in the day I watched football commercials between the plays. Fun. It was raining again by bedtime, I think that is going to become an every day thing since winter has arrived.

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Christmas Day. . . .The drought has ended, again. I drove into town expecting the bowling alley to be open but it was not. So I ended up enjoying a nice drive in the rain. I gave some thought to washing the car when I got back to the house but the Temperature had dropped to about 36 and I felt that was too low for such business. It was warm and toasty inside so I decided to sit back and soak up some relaxation for the day. I ate too much I suppose, but that will not keep me from popping up a bowl of popcorn to enjoy while watching some football this evening. Terri phoned me from Hawaii this afternoon, I was really happy to hear her sweet voice, she is a very nice lady, I kid you not.. . . .  Ron gave me a Toy R.C. car for Christmas so this afternoon I removed it from the package and installed the batteries. I swear to goodness my dog knew exactly what I was up to the minute he saw that thing on the living room floor. Needless to say I chased him all over the house with it until he hid in the bedroom. I then parked the thing right at the bedroom door and he stayed in there for over two hours before working up the nerve to scoot past it and jump into my lap.

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Christmas Eve Day.. . . . I had all of my computer stuff all caught up before 8AM this morning. Part of that reason is that it is weekend in Europe and my chess playing friends don’t bother me much on weekends. It was still very dark out this early, lots of rain up north so perhaps there were a lot of heavy clouds covering the sun. I noticed we missed the rain from north of us. That pleased me! I arrived at the Teigen’s a little after 4PM and after Pizza and some conversation we commenced opening gifts. The two boys had the time of their lives!
It was a great Christmas watching those two! Colt, three years old did a great job tearing the paper off the gifts but he handed them to his mom to open the boxes underneath. He opened the Rockin’ Mickey and was set for the rest of the evening, it was a long time before he became interested in any of the unopened gifts stacked up around him. Caren had a very good spinach dip; I didn’t think  liked spinach dip until I tried that. I was home just as the second half of the football game from Hawaii  started. It was a fine evening, I was really happy to be there.

Friday, December 23, 2011


. . . . I did get my French toast cooked and placed in the freezer. I ate a slice of it with a glass of milk for lunch. Pretty good groceries, if I do say so myself. Mel and Tippy dog stopped by for a while to drop off some Christmas gifts from them and Billy. The sun was out shortly after 1PM. The temperature got to about 50 today, not bad for this part of the county so near Christmas. I did walk for an hour too. Mel came back early afternoon to bring ChiChi a bone that is almost as large as he is. There was almost enough meat on it to make a pot of soup.

Thursday, December 22, 2011


My day was good but my bowling was really awful 118-128-96. I have no idea what the problem was but I could do nothing right. I finished my Christmas shopping and wrapped and delivered my last gift today. I also stopped by Safeway for more groceries, all fresh fruits and vegetables by the way! I have not eaten any ice cream for more than a week but my weight still stays too high, life in the big city, I guess. After bowling I stopped by to deliver Billy his gift then went to Teigen's to do the same. Caren was very happy for the flowers that I had ordered earlier. Caren had delivered some of Ron's gifts to me a few days ago and I wrapped them for her and delivered them today too. I told Ron that all the gifts that filled the trunk of my car had his name on them except the two for the boys. Caren heard me and said nothing so I told her I probably confused Ron but I didn't lie to him. She thought that was funny, I don't think Ron reads my blog so it will be interesting to see if he really believes all of those gifts were really from me. I guess Caren and I are pretty bad.
Well, Thursday evening, so I will watch some commercials then get to bed. I have no plans for tomorrow but it is time to prepare some more French Toast to put in the freezer so that may be a chore to do. I hope I can force myself to walk for an hour too. I have to exercise away that Burger and fries I had for lunch before bowling.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011


. . . .It seems the trouble I was having with my voice yesterday has cleared up. I certainly hope it stays that way. There was no frost this morning, I am beginning to think we may be having a nice stretch of weather for this time of year. As soon as I say something like that Mother Nature will come along and shoot me down. Really foggy this morning so I was expecting the sun would come out by noon and it did clear a little but not completely. I am happy to report that I walked for another hour today, I say that in case my doctor is reading my blog. Just another quiet, Pleasant Hill day!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


. . . .When I woke up this morning and ChiChi came running to greet me I discovered I was getting a bit of bronchitis. It slowly got worse as the day progressed until I decided to try a Halls lounges. That seemed to help a little. We will see how I feel tomorrow morning. My laundry is all caught up again. I discovered that walking for an hour does not hurt at all. I don’t know where it came from but suddenly I decided to force myself into it. After the walk I had lunch, folded clothes and did some reading. Of course the reading always leads to napping so I accomplished that too. It has been a good day!

Monday, December 19, 2011


. . . . .I have enjoyed a very quiet day; got my reading caught up as well as any sleep I may have missed in the past month. The most exciting thing that happened was this evening after dark. When I let ChiChi out I always open the kitchen door to the garage rather than the front door. From there he uses a small cat door Roy had put in for his cat several years ago. I then push the kitchen  door back to the almost closed position [but not latched] so the cold air stays out but he can, by pushing against the door, open it and return to the house. After I fed him this evening I let him out and he was gone long enough for me to completely forget about him. After a while I became aware that he was out there barking his fool head off but I was interested in O’Reilly so I ignored him. All of a sudden there was a great crash behind me [that is where the door is] and the dog came rushing in. He must have been running at full speed when he smashed his little body against that door, he then skidded on the linoleum attempting to gain traction as he headed at a fear filled gallop toward the couch. I thought for sure a mountain lion was behind him. He jumped up on the back of the stuffed couch and began to bark like crazy out the window. By then he had my attention so I jumped up to look out the window too. I saw nothing, it was darker than a coal pit out there. I walked to the door to close it and as I did so he thought I was interested enough to follow him out through the doggie door and continue the investigation. He took off like a shot guessing, I suppose, that I was right behind him. No such luck, doggie, looking out the window I watched him running toward the edge of the parking area barking again. I never saw what his problem was so I reset the door and left him out there. He came back  a few minutes later all at peace with the world. Silly dog. Just another exciting day in Pleasant Hill. The rest of the evening will be used to watch my Monday night commercials then off to bed to read myself to sleep.

Sunday, December 18, 2011


. . .  . My bowling results made me happy again160-145-175-167-140-129- Pretty close to a 152 average. Not bad for me. After bowling I stopped by the dollar store and found another book to add to my collection of unread books and three book CD’s for a dollar each. I usually don’t buy their CD’s because they are mostly novels but these were history so I couldn’t turn them down. Forty six degrees out today, not bad but I think it is about 75 in Hawaii. This evening I tried to watch Football but nothing held my interest for long so I switched to a movie; that turned out sort of boring too. I put the movie on pause and fixed some popcorn, that helped a little. After the movie I posted the blog and went to bed to read myself to sleep.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


. . . .I cooked up a pot of beans today. Tasted pretty good, if I do say so myself. I added some red chili pepper and that helped it a lot, the garlic did too. Never did walk today, just lazy, I’ve been feeling fine. My Christmas wrapping is all caught up, finished in fact. I have several to deliver in the next few days, then I can relax again until next time. The sun was out this afternoon. I did not say warm, just out. Radar shows no serious precipitation in the area. That pleases me. Cousin Sharon phoned today but I must have been taking trash out at the time. It was the only time I was away from the phone all day.


. . . I drove into Castle Rock this morning to take pictures of the historical sign thanking Barbara and other officials for their aid in making the street restoration in town possible. Stopped by Teigen’s for a few minutes then went by Mel’s place for a gift delivery. Tippy was chasing chickens and pulling their feathers, A new cow has arrived, came in from across the way by accident or her own design, she is eating her full of very fine grass and has the field all to herself. Mel will be doing some fence repair, I suppose. I had lunch, read and napped, oh, forgot to mention the sun was out most of the day. That was nice, got to about 46 degrees. Went to bed early and read myself to sleep then woke up about 1AM and remembered I had not posted the blog for the day. So, here it is!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


.  .. ...My PSA test came out much better this time, 3.1 which is a mite high but OK considering how I would have felt had it been up from last time. Another dodged bullet, goodie, goodie. After seeing the doctor I stopped by Safeway for milk and stuff then went to the bowling alley. I was very hungry and ordered a burger with fries about the time bowling started so my first game was pretty bad. I then did much better in game two and ended up with a 145 average which is a bit better than my 139 league average. The scores were 104-188-144. I walked out of there feeling very good. I had intended to stop by Teigens and Mels place but after getting home and putting the groceries away I was just too lazy to go out again. It rained here during the night and it looks like that may continue for a while. I am glad it was not icy out, that is a good thing.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


. . . . Since I had my lab work done yesterday I had no reason to go out of the house today. I was able to force myself into walking for an hour; that was my total accomplishment for the past 24 hours. I read a lot and took a nap, played with the dog and ate too much. My weight is hovering around 200 pounds and I will talk to the doctor about that tomorrow. I think the problem is water retention. Barbara had the same trouble and that was caused by her heart not being strong enough to do its job. I suppose that is my problem too. It goes with my other heart related problems. Always something, darn it!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


. . . I drove into Longview this morning for a PSA blood draw [it was at 4.7 3 months ago] and the outside temperature was a balmy 25. I then drove home for some breakfast and time on the computer before meeting the ‘gang of 52’ for lunch. We all had a good time at lunch, telling lies and eating too much. Typical ‘guy’ stuff. I drove by the bowling alley on the way home with bowling in mind but after seeing so many cars in the parking lot I decided to go on home. After arriving home I packaged up a couple of things that needed mailing for Christmas and took them to the post office. Natalia, the lady in Mazatlan whom I will be visiting next month likes Tillamook cheese so I asked about sending a pound to Mexico. It would have cost $21.05 to send first class. Never mind. I will carry a couple of pounds down there in my suitcase when I go. This evening was O’Reilly time and getting caught up with my chess games on the Internet.
Three years ago tomorrow we had 14 inches of snow on the ground at Barbara’s place. There is no chance of that happening again, is there?

Monday, December 12, 2011


. . . . All day I have felt like there is something I am supposed to be doing. I am thinking that must be an easy thought since I have done absolutely nothing as it is. This evening I will watch the Seattle football game on TV and remember how Barbara never missed a game without good reason. Tomorrow I will have lunch with the ‘gang of 52’ but have no further plans. Looks like two lazy days in a row. Not too bad for a retired guy!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


. . . . My bowling today was hot and cold-149-113-123-131-210-110- The average was 144 so I can not complain too much. The 210 was thrown after I ate a hamburger, that just tells me that my blood sugar level is really important when I am bowling.
This afternoon was spent watching football and napping, getting rested up so I can enjoy the popcorn and a commercial free movie ON DEMAND in a little while.
It has been cold out, doggie comes in and jumps in my lap and I start to shiver! Poor doggie.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


. . . . . I was awake at 5AM to watch the eclipse. Mother Nature did a good job of entertaining me for over an hour before the orange moon slipped and fell into a cloud bank. Terri said it was a bright moon in Hawaii but I guess we had more stuff in the air so it came out sort of like a dirty orange here. The moon was fully visible, it was dark but none of the ‘roundness’ disappeared. I walked today, for almost an hour, I stopped early because I wanted to watch Army pull their Navy game out of the hole but that never happened. I had stir fry for lunch, I’m getting pretty good at that stir fry recipe, I just cook up the stuff I like and go for it! I have learned that when using beef it is not a good idea to use a cheap cut of meat. It makes chewing too tough. In future I will get a good cut and or use pork/chicken. I bet properly flavored hamburger would do very will too. That is the nice thing about stir fry, every thing works. My chess score has dropped below 1800 so I seldom mention my games. I have about half a dozen going at the moment, I usually lose about half of my games. I hate when that happens. Never did shave today, that is rare for me but for some reason I was lazy. It took about all I had in me to talk myself into the 45 minute walk. Finished my Christmas wrapping, that is a good thing. I watched the Republican thingy on TV this evening, that is always fun. Bowling tomorrow!

Friday, December 9, 2011


. . . Today we enjoyed a bright day of sunshine; treats like that are so easy to get used to! Radar shows some showers way off the coast but with luck they will stay there for a few more days. Until the end of June would be nice. I walked for an hour today only to keep the doctor happy. Started Christmas wrapping but decide to lay down and read. I woke up an hour and a half later hungry; looks like I may get back to the wrapping again tomorrow. Life is good!

Thursday, December 8, 2011


. . . . We had a frost last night, that could become a regular thing before too long. I had a good time today, my bowling scores were something to brag about: 146-170-139 = 152 average. 150 is what I want on a consistent basis so I am calling this day a success. After bowling I went grocery shopping and Christmas spending, I am about caught up in both departments. Now I have to get the wrapping behind me and I will be all set! Puppy and I are doing fine and feeling good.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


. . . . Another lazy day under the clouds. The temperature outside may have reached 44 but I wouldn’t bet on it. I did walk for an hour so I can say I got my exercise, the day was not a complete loss. For dinner I finished the last of the ‘MRE’ Caren sent me home with, after bowling and shopping tomorrow I may drop off the cleaned containers and ask her to fill them again.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


This is another attempt  to post to this blog via the laptop. I am sitting in Barbs old recliner in my living room typing away.  I have found  that Word Starter Program will allow me to do this and it has a spell checker.  The ‘Sticky Note’ feature worked fine but without a spell checker or the ability to ‘save’ the work for later use. Now I want to find a way to list my various links to the bottom of the entry
Well, that was fun , now I will type out my daily doings on the desk top and transfer the whole thing to the blog. . . .I walked for over an hour today before taking a nap. Did a little on line shopping and also read for a while. The daytime high temperature hit 40 under a thick cloud cover. There is sign of rain falling off the coast of Astoria so perhaps things might change by tomorrow. However, it can’t rain without warming up somewhat. That leaves me expecting some pretty snowflakes soon. Terri told me that Hawaii is suffering from a sort of winter itself, lots of clouds, rain and wind lately, not enough to keep her out of the swimming pool but still a little uncomfortable. We all have our problems when it comes to the weather.

Monday, December 5, 2011


. . . We had a very clear but cool day today. I did walk for an hour before lunch then right after lunch I went Christmas shopping again. This time I actually did some spending too. Christmas shopping usually falls into place for me once I get started. It is just hard for me to get started. I came home about 3PM and had a little snack and watched some TV before driving over to Teigen’s’ place for dinner. Caren had fixed a very tasty roast with all of the fixins, good eats, for sure! I left to come home a bit before 8PM and she handed me several containers of food that should last me for at least three meals. As I am typing this Oregon is running all over UCLA so I may watch that game for a few more minutes before going to bed and reading myself to sleep. . . . BTW, Has anyone heard from Tammy Larsen? She has dropped off the edge of the world or something. Tammy, are you out there?

Sunday, December 4, 2011


 . . . .The Green Bay Packers finally learned how to catch a forward pass with 58 seconds to go. Astounding!
            My day at the bowling alley was not astounding but I was a happy boy as I walked out the door this afternoon. My scores were 170-111-141-146-144-142. That gave me a 142 average for the session. I would have been really happy if that 111 had not popped up.
After bowling I spent a little time Christmas shopping but bought nothing. I then stopped by Teigen's house on the way home but Caren and Ashton were out for the afternoon so I missed them. Ron and the Baby were trying to nap but Colter was not about to let that happen. I got sleepy just watching the baby snore so I didn’t stay long. That is when I went home and turned on the ball game. My plan for the evening is to fix a bowl of popcorn and find a commercial free movie to snuggle up with. It was a good day, just the kind I like! Warmer weather would have been nice though.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


. . . . I walked about two miles today. It was not all at one time but at least I did put in the time. I now have Skype on my laptop so I will be able to be in touch with others who have Skype while I am out of town. I used the laptop for most of the day; paid some bills, made some purchases [Christmas is coming] and am now convinced that it will work well for me while I am out of town. I have decided that when I grow up I want to go to LSU to learn how to play football. They did good today. Doggie is fine, I’m fine and tomorrow I will go bowling and perhaps do some Christmas shopping.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Friday. . . . . I am using my laptop for this blog posting. It appears I must use a 'sticky note' to type out the entry then copy and post to the Blog. At least that was my first impression because the laptop does not have 'word'. I was using 'word' because it has the spell checker; something I can not live without. I am able to type directly to the blog but so far have been unable to find a spell checker. Now that I have started this posting I have decided that the 'sticky note' feature does not have a spell checker either. In the future when posting to the blog I will write it in the email program and use that spell checker before copy and pasting to the blog.....I spent mmost of this day inside working on the laptop and getting my laundry caught up. I did get in a couple of short walks inside the house while downloading the email program I will be using....The sun was out most of the day but it was rather cool. I think we came very close to a frost this morning, I expect the first snow fall before many days go by. Darn it! It was a good day, fun learning more about the laptop and doing some reading too. BTW, I started War and Peace again. Since I now know the characters it may be easier to follow the story.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


 . . .Bowling started out OK but ended up sort of poor. 140-146-112-. It was disappointing but that’s bowling.
            I think I have the Laptop loaded with the stuff I want so it is ready to go. Now I have to wait until the middle of January before I leave. I am looking forward to the trip and the two months of sunshine. Ain’t life grand! ?