Monday, March 31, 2014


. . . . . . ChiChi and I walked today, there was no rain and few clouds so we ventured out in the big world. Our journey was the usual path to the river where we noticed that not much has changed in the past few days. The river level is too high  for comfortable fishing and the color is looking better but still not good enough. It was a forty minute round trip. I noticed the little guy lagging a bit behind during the steep climb up the hill from the rail road tracks, usually I am the one to be complaining about the 12% slope but perhaps he is a bit more overweight than I am. He will be nine years old next week. I'm about 40 or so.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


.................I was not really in the mood today but I did stop by the bowling alley and threw five lines. My average was less than 135 and I was surprised that I was feeling tired after the five attempts. Perhaps it was time for lunch but I didn't feel like I usually do when hungry. Oh Well, I may give it another shot before returning to the league bowling on Thursday. 

Saturday, March 29, 2014


......................The deer were outside my bedroom window again this morning as I awakened. They were standing in the rain, saying nothing, just standing there. I'm sorry I had no apples to toss their way. . . . . I phoned the bowling alley to make sure they had open lanes today but I was told they were sold out until 5PM. I never got out of the house except for the four steps to the mail box. And that was only junk mail. I'll see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, March 28, 2014


. . . . .It is a shame that all I have to mention tonight is all of the rain we have had around here today. Tomorrow will be different, it may still be raining but I plan on getting in some practice bowling.

Thursday, March 27, 2014


..................Bowling was much better today. After last week I could not even bring myself to go practice. Today I was relaxed and did very well, 157-162-144 gave me a 153 average for the day. I'm happy to say I actually helped the team and if Don Sears had not bowled that 205 I would have been top scorer  on our team. Perhaps I will drive into town and practice a bit this next week. .  .  .  Yesterday afternoon I watched three deer enjoying the rain outside my bedroom window, it sure is relaxing to see them so close to the house. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


.....................I got out of the house long enough to walk four steps to the mail box. And then it was only junk mail. The rest of the day it was rest, relaxation and generally goofing off.

I have walked by the above cave many times while in Mazatlan but have never asked about it. It is well gated so no one gets in. Perhaps next year while I'm down there I will ask what the attraction is or was.
The doggy is just one more picture of the many pets who enjoy the sidewalk naps during the winter time.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


It is days like this that make me happy I didn't wash my car yesterday.
As this young man was walking by he was dropping bread crumbs, that's the reason for the birds being lined up behind him.

 The business end of the Ferry from Cabo San Lucas in MZT. I have given some thought to riding that ferry over and back but so far have not attempted it.
The western bell tower of the big church in Old Town Mzt.

Monday, March 24, 2014


. . . . .Over the winter I decided my shaver was in need of replacement so while in Wal-Mart today I purchased a new one. I had discovered that it is recommended that the cutting surfaces be replaced ever 18 months. My old shaver was purchased in '04, it must be in pretty bad shape. When I arrived in Mazatlan I found that I had forgotten my watch so I bought another one while there. Today I took it by Billy's place and made him the proud owner. I also discovered he can not read a digital watch without his glasses and since he never wears glasses I doubt he will get any use out of the gift. The outside temperature at the moment is 69 degrees, ain't that a kick! I have yet to wash my car but since rain is due soon I will put it off for a while. A Restaurant I frequent in MZT does their best to please the Norte Americano's by flying their flag.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


. . . . . Lazy day, accomplished nothing. I wasted some time watching NASCAR on TV. A couple of critters I got pictures of my last kweek in MZT.

and had a bowl of popcorn. The weather was nice but I never did get out of the house. My bad.  

Saturday, March 22, 2014


. . . . .The temperature was 32 outside when I got up today...Will winter never end? I felt the need for a nap by 11:15 today and sure enough I slept until a little after noon. I then ate a bowl of beans before driving to Castle Rock to enjoy the Pinewood derby with Colt and Ron. After I got home the dog talked me into a forty minute walk then I relaxed in front of the TV for a while. The Pinewood Derby consists of little wooden 'cars' that can not weigh more than 5 ounces running side by side, two at a time down and incline track. Like a toy drag race. The best time today was 2.714 seconds. Colts car was not one of the four top winners but we all had a geed time and the crowd was enormous, as you can tell by the pictures. The race track was set up in a conference room at a local church in town. Top pic shows Officer Scott, the Preacher man and Ron getting things started. The second picture shows two blurred cars on their way down the track. The pictures were taken with available light so the moving objects are bound to be hard to see.

Announcing the start of a race. when the cars are released a timer begins and no more than three seconds later the cars cross the finish line.
In this case I snapped the picture after the winning car has already crossed the finish line. Notice the folks enjoying popcorn? It was free and tasted great.
Several times two cars were so close that only the timer was able to determine who won.
Colt was having a wonderful time, Ron worked himself into a sweat running around helping things run smoothly.

Friday, March 21, 2014


. . . . . . That pot of beans I had cooking turned out to be very good. I had some for lunch before taking the little doggy out for a walk this afternoon. He was certainly in the mood, Caren taught him well, he was bugging me for an hour before I finaly broke down and left with him. We walked at a good clip for 50 minutes.
I enjoyed a very lazy afternoon and even had a one hour nap. A very good day.


. . . . .Natalia prepared a very nice breakfast for me this morning, prior to driving me to the airport. We went early so she would not be so late getting to work.  The traffic was bad though, I hope she made it OK. The U.S. Air ticket window opened at 9AM and I checked my large bag and had put my bowling ball inside the carry on. Hoping to not have to pay the $35 for the extra bag. All went well until I attempted to take the bowling ball through security.
 I was told that it was to large to be carried on board. Rats. I had too drag it back to the ticket window and check it through paying the $35 with my credit card [I had absolutely no cash of any kind with me]. I then had to return to the security area and go through that entire process again.  My plan was to land in Phoenix and find an ATM so I would have money to buy a meal while waiting for my connecting flight. So, probably for that reason alone, the flight into and out of Mazatlan was 45 minutes late. When I arrive in Phoenix [late] I had to rush myself through customs, retrieve my luggage, check it in again for the flight to Portland and catch the flight all within 40 minutes. So much for getting something to eat. I phoned Caren to let her know I would be arriving Portland at 7:35 I was entering the tunnel to the aircraft as I completed that call. On the first leg of the journey I had eaten a breakfast bar [I had three of the with me] and had a glass of orange juice. After taking off from Phoenix I again ordered an orange juice and ate another breakfast bar. The pane landed in Portland right on time and Caren was there immediately as I exited the airport with my baggage. She had two Turkey sandwiches and a fudge brownie waiting for me as well as a Vitamin Drink [they taste pretty good]. I finished off the drink and one of the sandwiches on the drive to Kelso. . . . . One of the first things I did upon arriving was put a pot of beans to soak. It was shortly before 9PM when I entered the house but almost 11:00 before I was relaxed enough to turn out the light and fall asleep. . . . On Thursday morning I was awake and up by 5:30, took a shower, ate the second sandwich and was driving out the drive way about 6AM to buy groceries. The engine had to turn over about 3 times before it started but was fine after that. By 8:30 I was home and had the groceries put away. Before leaving the house for my Pro time appointment I turned on the soaking beans to simmer. I also fried three small pork chops, chopped an onion with celery and carrot to put aside for later. The Pro time check was good enough at 1.8 and I made an appointment for May first to have it checked again. I then drove to the bowling alley and performed horribly with a 108-109-129 score.  After bowling I drove home to remove the beans from the stove, dump the water, rinsed them and added fresh water with the chopped pork , onion, carrot, celery and a touch of salt. I put that mess on the stove to simmer then drove to Teigens to pick up my doggy. Caren was not home but Ron was there to gather the dog stuff together for me while we visited for a few minutes. Chichi was happy to see me after he finally decided who the heck I was. That took him a minute or two. When I asked him if he wanted to go home he became more excited. We stopped by to see Mel on the way home and he gave me a dozen smoked smelt as a getting home present. Smoked smelt are the best! My plan is to share them with Roy, my landlord. . . . .The beans were on simmer all night and at 6AM I turned the heat up to the first notch above simmer and they began serious cooking about half an hour later. At the moment it is Friday AM, I have read my emails and gotten my chess games all caught up so now I am ready to face the day. I think I will begin by taking a nap.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


..............This morning I caught up the laundry and folded everything neatly into the suitcase. As soon as I post this I will make my last Face book entry from Mazatlan and break down my computer and store it for the trip. I had my usual cereal and raisins for breakfast at 8AM and that held me until about 1:00 so I walked to the Malicon to a little Mom and Pop restaurant overlooking the beach and ordered three Marlin Taco's. I had taken my book with me and read until 3:00. That is when Pop reminded me that they close at three so I emptied my pockets of my remaining Pesos and expressed my thanks. Except for my Taxi fare tomorrow I am out of local money.  I may use the ATM when I arrive in Arizona tomorrow, depends on what is offered my on the planes. I don't expect much. The picture is taken from across the square from the Machado Hotel. There are several small restaurants that on busy days spread out onto the street blocking traffic. The Gringo's enjoying the weather and the meals come first in this town!
About half a mile West of that picture is the end of the Malicon. This is the turn-around. Actually, the street continues South but under another name.

This is that continuation, going South but in this case the camera is aimed North.
This is another shot of the Coast line looking North. That is a huge flag!
This view point extends out to the ocean rocks.
This used to be military facility that protected the bay from naval attack. It is closed now and no way to get in. The picture was taken in a way that does not show the bars on the entrances.
Another beach about one mile South of where the fishing boats pull up on shore.

Monday, March 17, 2014


..................Natalia surprised me again this morning with another great Mexican breakfast. A friend had given her four very large oranges and she asked me to get the juicer out of the cupboard and make juice. I did but turns out those large oranges were really pink grapefruit. Very tasty though!
After breakfast I discovered that Natalia had the day off but she ended up being so busy running around that she would have been more rested had she gone to work......I walked close to five miles today, that is a record for the last month I'm sure. Tomorrow I will be catching up with my laundry and packing suitcases. The big bird is leaving at 1PM Wednesday and I suppose I will be on it but from the sounds of the weather reports around Kelso I may not be too happy when I land....Such  is life. These are photo's of the coast line South of where the Malicon ends. This is the view Natalia sees every day on her drive to and from work. The temperature was pushing 80 today.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


..................Natalia prepared a really nice Mexican breakfast this morning. I am certainly going to miss that when I get home! I helped her clean up the kitchen then she left for parts unknown, I left shortly after for another day in the park, reading and people watching. I had a Chicken Caesar salad for lunch with two scoops of ice cream later for dessert. It's fun watching the little ones feed the birds. All is fine until the kids get big enough to run; then all of the birds fly away with one big 'whooosh' of sound.

Saturday, March 15, 2014


...............Nice walk, nice lunch, fantastic weather. Life is good!
Well armed protection for the Gold Zone. Rifles and hand guns to keep the bad guys at bay while the
Gringos play.
One of the many restaurants on the beach adding another table in the shade.
This is a picture of Nature's art. Over the years this little sprout has taken over the street corner. Notice that the curb painters didn't even pay any attention. Just painted right over it. A yellow zone is a yellow zone, not that motorists pays any attention to it.

Friday, March 14, 2014


......................I had a nice walk South on the Malicon again today. The ocean was nice with a breeze to die for. There was a drunk with a beer in his hand trying to wrestle with a very large trash can but only made a lot of noise. Seemed to be enjoying himself. Some folks are so easily entertained these days. I had another nice lunch, cheese filled something with chicken, tasted good to me! Did a lot of reading, trying to finish up my books before leaving. I don't want to carry any home, they weigh too much and with the unused bowling ball I am overweight as it is. Not really true but you get the idea.
See anything wrong with this picture?
Or this one? That lady left that car parked right there, got out, locked the car and went shopping. I watched her, lots of fun around here!
One more picture of the Mazatlan Reservoir Dam, 25-30 miles from town.
The light was good so I had to take another picture of a Parade figure.

Thursday, March 13, 2014


................Olivia and her daughter arrived shortly after 9am to clean house and I left soon after. For some reason I was hungry before noon so I had a slice of pizza before stopping by the library to see if any more free books had arrived. It didn't happen so I sat in the nearby park and read the day away. The pizza was wearing off by 4pm so I stopped by Costanza's for a small salad and a Fresca. I was home shortly before 5PM.
I should have edited this picture before posting it. The camera was not level. This is a part of the Malicon about one half mile South of Natalia's house. The bottom picture is a picture of the same area from further South and looking back.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


..............Much like yesterday, great weather, lots of reading in the park, great meal at Macaws, can't be beat!   Walking home from Cerritos  I was not paying a lot  attention to where I was heading and took a wrong turn [by not turning when I should have] and ended up here at the Marina and Tennis Club.

 The second picture is about across the street and I would expect it to be a rather expensive address. These are condo's, I believe.
 Here we have a billboard advertising a new Hotel or perhaps Condo's, I'm not sure. The property is only about half developed and already has vacancies filled.
 This poor fence has seen better days, the cement used to hold it together is deteriorating miles per hour.
 I walked two hours this day and since I had no idea where I was  I caught the first bus that came along with CENTRO on it as a destination and happily paid my ten pesos to ride the rest of the way home. It was a good day and I did get some fun pictures. The bus dropped me off 20 feet from Natalia's front door.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


...........Spent this day sitting in the park reading and enjoying the most comfortable sea breeze you can imagine. Stopped by Costanza's for lunch and also got in a two mile walk. It was a good day.
When I left Cerritos [continuing my previous pictures] I decided to walk for a couple of hours and take more pictures of various things I found on the way.
It seems they use the horse like we use goats, they do a good job of clearing brush but certainly not as well as goats. The horse seems to be a bit more fussy about what he eats.
As soon as I stopped this guy came over to say howdy to me. I was a little concerned about these guys because I saw no water available anywhere. I am hoping that the owner stops by every evening and delivers water. This one did not complain at all when I scratched him between the years. He was probably thinking 'Crazy Gringo'.
This turned out to be a nice picture. The sun was just right. This is the plant that is crushed into pulp and the liquid used to produce Tequilla. The part that is used is the part in the ground, not the leaves. The roots when cleaned up weigh from 25 to 50 pounds.