Saturday, April 30, 2011


Saturday. . . . For exercise I washed the car today. A few sprinkles fell during the process but they were clean so no harm done. I cleaned up the whitewalls too, that is the most difficult part of washing the car, next time I buy tires they will not be whitewalls. Cousin Sharon and Virgil stopped by early this afternoon on their way south. It was nice visiting with them if even for a short time. They used to stop by once or twice a year while Barbara was alive, we really enjoyed their visits. NASCAR races came on late this afternoon so I turned that on and was ready for bed by the time the race was over.

Friday, April 29, 2011


Friday. . . .Very little rain today, that is always a special thing around here. I took Charlotte out to lunch this afternoon and we discussed how well we are doing with bowling, she scores much better than I but I am working hard to correct that. Our team doesn’t have a name, other than Team 4. She is bowling with the same group she bowled with during the winter league. As a matter of fact I am the highest scorer on my team, that will give you some idea of how powerful we are. . . . Yes Jenir, ChiChi is going to make the long drive with me, I hope he lets me sleep at night, all of the new smells and sounds are bound to keep him wide awake the whole 3-4 weeks.. . . . I have to comment on the Comcast comment I got yesterday on the blog. It was very nice of them to say what they did, thanks, Comcast. Now I wish Jiffy Lube would be as nice and contact me about the blown radiator they willed on me last month. I have yet to hear from them, I feel forgotten. Perhaps that is their plan, what say you, Jiffy Lube?. . . I phoned Comcast about 6:30 this evening in reference to my needed change and was told the process was not yet complete. I agreed to phone them tomorrow at the same time. Twenty minutes later I got a phone call telling me the process was NOW complete and they made celford52 my primary user name and supplied me with a new password. After signing in to my account my email from the past two days flooded my screen. I voiced my joy and we hung up on good terms.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Thursday. . . .My email is down again, Comcast is not easy to work with, folks. The guy who was to have fixed things last week just put a band aid on everything and now I am bleeding problems again. It will be three days before I can attempt again to recover my celford52 address. In the meantime if any one wants to contact me please use Or is it dot net? I can’t remember.  I went bowling today. Did not do well at all, 155-135-132. The whole thing made me very upset with myself. Isn’t it nice that that is the biggest problem I have in my life? The weather was not good today…..lots of hail in Longview this afternoon. I’m glad I am shortly leaving on a long drive to Key West in a couple of weeks. I can hardly wait! Sunshine, here I come!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Wednesday. . . There were four deer outside my bedroom window when I got up this morning. That was a peaceful sight to behold. All morning ChiChi and I considered going for a walk but the threatening rain kept us from braving the elements. By 1:30, since no rain had fallen I decided to do it! I put on my heavy, wool lined jacket and I am glad I did. It was cool and with the wind blowing it was almost cold. We got about a mile and a half from the house when sure enough it started to sprinkle. We started home and as soon as we did the rain stopped. The total time of the walk was about fifty minutes and as soon as we got inside the rain pelted the rooftop for about 20 minutes. I’m glad we were not out in that mess. This afternoon I finished one book and started another, ChiChi fell asleep in front of the heater. It came on several times today to keep the temperature around 70 degrees. . . . Tammy phoned me while she was driving home from or to work. She told me she is putting in 16 hour days, three or four of those a week is just about enough for anybody. She invited me to stop in and see her and Della during my trip in May. She expects me to be pretty tired after all of that time on the road so she said I can spend a few days there resting up. That was very nice of her and I intend to do just as she suggested. I told her I expect to be in her part of the country around the end of May. I will be on my way home after driving to Shreveport and then Key West. My plan is to drive a lot of that distance sans freeways. I enjoy all of the little towns the quit roads take me through. I think I will be leaving here in about two weeks. We will see how it goes.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


 My day was well spent, the morning weather was iffy so I made plans to go bowling after lunch. I got there about 12:30 and bowled on the new lanes again. My scores were 175-192-154-156-160. I was really happy with my results.Now I hope I can do that well on Thursday, wish me luck.. . . After bowling I stopped by to see Ron and Caren and do some bragging. Colter woke up while I was there so I got a chance to say hi to him. After getting home I still had some energy left so I put in a load of laundry and had that all folded and put away before O'Reilly came on TV. I also had some time to fly my simulator, there was a little breeze blowing and I had some bad landings because of it. Don't ever go flying with me, for your own sake! That Piper Cub is just too light, I will switch to a Mooney next, tricycle landing gear, much easier to handle in the wind. A year ago I was good with most of the small planes but I find I have to learn all over again. Ain't life grand!

Monday, April 25, 2011


 This day was off and on rain so I never got out of the house to do any walking. I did vacuum the place though, so I did accomplish something and got some exercise doing it. Doggie got a lot of exercise too, he did his best to stay as far as possible from the vacuum. He really fears that loud animal. I gave some thought to bowling but decided I would put that off until tomorrow and see how I feel about it then.. . . I also spent about an hour flying the simulator, believe it or not that is a lot of work, especially in a very light plane and this present weather. There was rain outside in real life but although the puter is programmed to copy real time weather it never did pick up on the rain. Perhaps it never rained in Kelso today. I'm not really sure. Tonight is Monday so my favorite commercials are on starting at 8PM. I will watch them until about 9:30 before calling it a day.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


 My day was a happy one. I never did go walking but I did get to the bowling alley around noon to practice four lines. I got to bowl on one of the new lanes, my hook was unbelievabel, I had to change my left foot position to compensate my delivery. My scores in order of appearance were 125, 135, 149, 146. 173. That gave me an average of 153 for the day. I felt good about that. I bowled the fourth line because I was so sure I could do better than the 149 and sure enough, I did. I was expecting a couple of people from the team to show up but they did not make it. My instructor arrived as I was leaving and he was impressed with the 173.. . . I then stopped by Safeway for some more ice cream and other stuff before going home. After putting away the groceries and letting ChiChi run for a couple of minutes I drove over to see Ron and Caren but found that Caren and Colter were taking a nap so I didn't stay long. Ron sent me home with enough spaghetti to last four meals and by the time I got back to the house I was hungry so I warmed that up and watched some afternoon TV. I then mixed up a batch of pancake mix and added a lot of blueberries. I made large pancakes and ended up with five for my troubles. That will be a full breakfast any time I want to put one in the microwave for two minutes. Those large pancakes are going to make it difficult to keep my weight down. I bet they are going to taste pretty good though! I cooked them with too much heat so the inside of the place got smoky but the smoke alarm never came on. I opened the door and one window in the bedroom, that cleaned things out quickly enough.....If I had an excuse to go into town tomorrow I'd stop at the bowling alley again. Maybe I should just enjoy the score today and not make myself feel bad for a poor showing tomorrow.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


The weather was really great around here today. ChiChi and I walked down to the river again, we didn't do any fishing because there is no place to fish down there and because we have heard nothing of anyone catching anything. I might get in some fishing before I leave town around the tenth but I am not convinced the weather is going to be so great between now and then anyway.. . . The rest of the day was spent reading, napping and watching NASCAR on TV. I also watched the end of that three hour movie I had cut off yesterday. It was "CASINO", pretty good movie, I thought. I am a prude though, I do not appreciate the foul language but the blood and gore at the end was OK.
I am looking forward to bowling tomorrow and perhaps more sunshine. I am not sure about the sunshine, bad weather has to be on the way because today was so beautiful.
It would be nice if the rain held off until after the kids search for the Easter eggs in the morning.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Friday. . . ChiChi and I helped Tipper and Mel put the fishing boat in the water today. The river bank is really soft, they are lucky that boat did not weigh 400 pounds more. After that little chore ChiChi and I stopped by to see Ron and Caren but they were not home so we returned to our little house for lunch. This afternoon we walked for an hour, exploring the flat lands near the river bottom.  ChiChi is good about staying close by me but we have yet to see a rabbit or other critter he might take a run for. I usually take him off the leash as soon as we leave the main road. On one walk we heard a very large dog barking and that spooked the little guy but the other walks didn’t cause any problems with other animals. There are cows down there but he does not mind them and he has learned how silly it is to chase birds. I do consider the Eagles around here but he stays so close to me that I don’t think an Eagle would make the attempt. We have as yet to see one while we are walking. This afternoon I started watching a three hour movie [commercial free] but turned it off at the half way point. I was tired of TV and since it was on ON DEMAND I can restart it at the same spot some other time.

Thursday, April 21, 2011


  Today was a busy one. I met Vonda at Comcast at 9Am to get my old email address verified to be used as my new address. That took about 6 minutes and I had a Pacemaker tech meeting at 11am so there was a lot of time to kill. I then went to Safeway and left $80 in their till before driving home to put the stuff away. I had ice cream and didn't want it to melt. When I got home and  put things where they belonged I discovered I did not have enough time to set up my email address so I left just in time to get to the Pacemaker Tech. That report was fine, she told me I am in good shape to do all of the traveling I want this summer. That made me feel good. I was still ahead of schedule so I stopped by Burger King and had lunch at 11:30. I was getting hungry because I had eaten breakfast at 7:30 this morning.. . . .I got to the bowling alley around noon and found the team that Sharon was putting together. They expected me to join them and it sounded like a good idea to me so that is how I got a team this summer. We started bowling about 12:30 and didn't finish until almost 3:00. Again, the team I am on is the slowest team of them all. I think Sharon and her sister would rather visit than bowl. Any way, I did very well, 147-175-165. As a matter of fact I was third from the top of the eight bowlers on the two teams. The problem is my average is starting out 20 points more than I finished with in the winter league It is going to be tough to maintain that but I will give it a try. This new average is what I always thought I should be able to maintain and progress from so it will work out fine. They already know I will miss 6-8 Thursdays this summer and that is fine because Verda, from the winter league will fill in for any of us who are gone.. . . I phoned Comcast and asked them to correct my email address to what it was before and after being away from the phone for about seven minutes he came back and told me it had been done. I have sent email since then but so far I have not received anything. Film at 11:00.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Wednesday. . . . I spent some time flying my simulator today. I programmed it to pick up local weather so I was flying near a lot of clouds about 4,000 feet. It was cool too, Doggie and I went for a one hour walk this afternoon and it was light jacket weather. The thicker clouds had turned into a thin layer all across the sky, blotting out a lot of the suns warmth. . . . Tomorrow I will attempt to retrieve my celford52 email address, wish me luck, I hate the idea of starting all over again with a new address.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Tuesday. . . . My email account has been halted for a few days because it was tied to Barbara’s account. I have to take Vonda to Comcast with me on Thursday to try to retrieve my celford52 address. She has power of attorney and that is what is needed. I tried a couple of weeks ago to go around that restriction but no such luck.. . . . Doggie and I got in a one hour walk today, lots of sunshine but there was a cool breeze to go with it. He still takes his naps near the wall heater during the day. . . . .I have to thank Caren for lunch today, it was delicious and I still have three meals to go.

Monday, April 18, 2011


Monday….I had breakfast, the laundry all caught up, as well as my chess games and the kitchen back in order by 9:15 this morning. A bit after lunch ChiChi and I went out walking. We took Rivendale drive and ended up at the rivers edge a half hour later. Just as we started back the rain began very lightly and I am happy to report it never got any worse. We were home by 1:30 wondering what the rest of the day would bring. About an hour after we returned there was a nice thundershower, if such things can ever be called nice. I looked around for ChiChi while the thunder was jumping on the roof but I didn’t see him, I think he ran under the bed. I can see him covering his ears with his paws.. . . . This evening, while watching O’Reilly, a small doe walked by my living room window, she was no more than ten feet from the house. She slowly worked her way across the lawn between my place and Roy’s but shortly after she gained the driveway and started down the other side she got spooked by a car speeding buy and immediately hightailed it back the way she had come.  I ran to my bedroom window to watch her jump the fence behind my place but she had done that and disappeared before I could get to the window. I don’t run too fast these days.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Sunday. . . . .There was a lot of fog this morning and that is usually a good sign. By 9:30 the fog was gone and we were enjoying the sunshine I have been missing. I don’t believe the temperature ever topped 50 but the sunshine helped make up for that. I went bowling today and surprised myself. I had a 172-203-168-142. A great day for me! That is a 171 average. I can hardly wait for the summer league to start next week. After bowling I stopped by the market and bought a jar of Orville Redenbacher popcorn. I have been using something Safeway had on the shelf [couldn’t find the good stuff] and did not like it. On the way home I stopped by Caren and Ron’s to return a couple of food containers they had given me previously. [With food in them] This time Caren filled them again, with more good stuff. Looks like about four meals for me! Colter was in a much better mood today so I was unable to tease him like last time. He is slowly getting used to having me around and becoming more friendly or aware of my existence. He is still enjoying his terrible two’s so he has his days, like most of us. I got home about 2:30 and ChiChi was here to greet me. I had left him home because I didn’t know how hot it might get inside the car while I was bowling. I should have not worried, opening the window just a crack would have kept it plenty cool today.  I watched a good movie while enjoying my Sunday evening popcorn and cheese. It was “The Long Goodbye” from 1977. I don’t remember having ever seen it before. I was pretty busy in 1977.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Saturday. . . . I did get in another hour of walking today, hate to admit it but that was all I did. NASCAR was on so I spent too much time in front of the TV. The sun finally came out a few minutes before sunset, that was a bummer. Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

Friday, April 15, 2011


  I was tempted to broil that other T-bone Colter gave me  but I had had too large a salad for lunch so I decided to wait until tomorrow. I have been giving some thought to inventing a Spaghetti sauce but I don't know where to begin. I guess hamburger and tomatoes is a beginning but what follows that? I have yet to purchase spices since I moved in, I guess that is an ingredient too.
    I got in a one hour walk today, I was not in the mood to finish the last 15 minutes but I kept putting one foot in front of the other long enough to get to the finish line.
    Never did get around to the flight simulator today, Did a lot of reading and took a nap during some of that time. It has been a slow, wet and cool day. Too many clouds to suit me

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Thursday. . . . The weather certainly is not anything to write home about. I have heard it is going to improve by the weekend but if that is true it is going to have to make a mighty big change in a might short length of time. I arrived at the Bowling Banquet a few minutes before noon and found Dave, my instructor in the bar so I joined him. We swapped lies for a while then took our drinks to the dinner table and found Sharon, another of our team sitting with her sister and husband. We joined them and waited for our chicken fried steak to be delivered. As it turned out we had to go get our own, that was the procedure. As a matter of fact I thought the high ‘dues’ we were paying each week to bowl was paying for the dinner but no such luck. The meal cost eight dollars. It was a pretty good $4 dinner. I had another Bacardi Coke and enjoyed the festivities. When the meal ended and they passed out prizes for the year I got $63 for some reason or other so the whole day ended up being a pretty good deal. After the banquet came to a complete halt six of us retired across town to the Bowling alley for a team conference; that amounted to having another drink and telling more lies. My original plan was to use the time practicing my bowling but decided to be sociable instead. So unlike me. I nursed a beer for over an hour before driving home. I got back around 4pm and still I was kicking myself for not practicing.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Wednesday. . . . That T-bone steak Colter gave me turned out great! As a matter of fact I found two steaks in the package so there is another waiting for another day. I was able to broil it in the oven I have here and for a container I used a Pyrex dish that Terri had given me Monday. Thanks to all who made that meal possible. . . . .Today I sat up my Flight Simulator for the first time in perhaps a year. I am flying a Piper Cub out of Kelso. I was able to land it in Woodland a few minutes later but crashed while trying to turn it on the runway for a take off. I increased the power too quickly and was unable to compensate properly. Like Bowling, I need more practice!. . . .I was hoping to go walking today but the weather did not cooperate with me. That happens a lot around here.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Tuesday. . . . . It is getting daylight earlier so I found myself wide awake at 6am. I fed the dog and went back to bed but it did no good, I was up and about a half hour later.  I had my luncheon with the gang of '52'  so I figured since I had driven into town anyway I might as well stop by the bowling alley and try my luck again. I bowled four lines with scores of 155-166-183-148. I was doing so well at the end of the third line that I thought I could hit 200 on the next game. It never happened of course but I am still happy with the results. That is about a 162 average, one day that may be my league average. I know, dream on!
After bowling [I had taken ChiChi with me] I stopped by to see Ron and Caren for a while. Today is Chi chi’s sixth birthday and they gave him a bunch of treats. So many in fact that the last one had to be taken to the car with him. I think he finished it on the way home. At least I hope so, I don't want the car to smell like doggie treats. Colter walked up to me while I was there and handed me a t-bone steak to take home to have for dinner. I had already had my big meal for the day so that will be on the menu for tomorrow.
I got back to the house about 2:30 and gave some thought to washing the dog but that didn't materialize either. Sort of like that 200 game I was dreaming about.. . . . It is warm enough to have the front door propped open today. Doggie loves that, he thinks he is king of the hill when he can come and go as he pleases. He had better enjoy it while he can, I have been told winter is returning tomorrow. We have short summers around here.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Monday . . . . . Went to a doctor appointment in Vancouver today, it took three hours to get out of the place. I then drove to Borders in Beaverton and met Terri for lunch, we visited until 7PM before I got sense enough to get myself home. ChiChi was happy to see me and piddled all over the place when I scratched his little pea brain. It was a good day, just not a whole lot to talk about. Maybe tomorrow will bring more excitement, although that can not always be a good thing so I better watch what I hope for.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


. I'm still trying to get that email  address changed but it may take a couple  more days. I am waiting for them to completely cancel it out of the other account so it will be available for use.. . . . My day turned out to be a happy one. I drove in to town to do my practice bowling, it was cool so I took ChiChi too. My scores astounded me. I got them in this order 155-219-155-138. That is my highest game ever and it is the best four games I have had in a single day. I was practicing putting a bit of a spin on the ball so when it hits the pocket it hits it just right. I am really happy with how well I did. Now we have to wait and see what the summer league brings. After bowling I stopped by Wal-Mart again for some groceries, I don't know why, the refrigerator is bulging as it is.  Before leaving for bowling I sat an apple on top of one of the fence posts out back and a few minutes later I looked and found it was on the ground-with a crow chewing on it! This afternoon I checked again and the apple was gone and I found four deer down in the hollow. . . . . Sunday night has rolled around again so I am looking forward to popcorn and a movie.


Saturday. . . . Terri and I drove Wills doggie back to Seattle today, never experienced a drop of rain the whole day. I got home about 9PM and had a bowl of ice cream before going to bed. This was the first long drive I had had the car on since all of the work was done and it came through with flying colors.. . . .I am still not receiving email. I am attempting to reinstate my celford52 user name so I don’t have to suffer through a change. Wish me luck, I was promised I could do it within 48 hours but so far it has not taken. I’ll continue trying for another day or so before giving up and accepting the fact that I have to change. Film at eleven.

Friday, April 8, 2011


. After breakfast I got my laundry caught up and put away. After lunch I vacuumed out the car and got it looking spiffy before cleaning up the kitchen. The sun was out by 9:30 but the weather is still cool, darn it. While cooking lunch I discovered that both of my smoke detectors work fine. I like steak seared on the outside so that creates a lot of smoke. The fan on the stove has no outlet other than back into the apartment so I ended up opening a couple of windows and the front door while I was outside cleaning the car. Roy has mowed the grass so the place is looking good, as usual. I have blocked the screen door and the front door so in good weather ChiChi can come and go as he pleases. He likes that but sometimes he finds too many things to bark at. I suppose as the weather warms up the flying things will try to get in so I may have to limit his running in and out.. . . . .  This afternoon I posted several pictures on the blog. The first one is an outside shot of the garage I live in, the apartment is behind the car. The other pics are taken inside the apartment then I put in one showing the backyard and another of a deer I took while looking out my bedroom window. The sun was shining brightly so the pictures came out looking just fine.
ChiChi and I left the house at 4pm for an hour walk. I guessed it to be close to 3 miles. His toenails are slowly wearing down to something more acceptable. My hope is that my waist line wears down to something more acceptable. . We got back in time to catch O’Reilly at 5pm. I had three chocolate chip cookies with milk. Think that will help my waistline?. . . .
It seems my Comcast account was secondary to Barb’s account and now that her account has been turned off I have lost my email address. I am going to attempt to get it back but if not I have to change it. I’ll keep you all posted. I was on the phone with Comcast for four hours this evening trying to understand all that I have to do to jump through the rings they have set up for me. Saturday I will be out of town all day delivering a little doggie to some friends in Seattle so be very surprised if I post anything tomorrow night.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


    My last day of bowling this season was far from a record breaker but I did beat my average by a few pins so I feel pretty good about it all. My scores were 137-140-142. I was consistent but I wish I had been consistently higher. When summer league starts I will spend more time experimenting and attempting to better my score. The weird part about the games today was that only one player from the other team showed up so we had to bowl against their averages. The games went fast but I'm not sure we won. Dave, my instructor had three games all above 200, he has not done that well in some time. After bowling about ten of us got together for a 'conference' [beer]. I didn't stay long because I had decided to stop by the hospital and say hi to Verda, one of the members of the team who has been in Mexico the past month. She contacted pneumonia and refused to take care of herself after getting home so she is paying for it now. I don't know her well and we had little to talk about so I went shopping for a while before getting home just in time to watch O'Reilly. . . . .My Thursday night TV stuff is on tonight so I will break in the new popcorn machine I bought today. I plan on being in bed by 9:30. I heard reports of lots of hail around here today, I never ran into bad weather until after I parked the car out front and saw raindrops coming down. The sun was bright but it was very cool all day, I should have worn a heavier jacket when I left this morning.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


. . . . I never did get to go walking today, there was too much threatening rain to venture too far from the house.
I did wash my car though, that didn't take long but it was enough to call it 20 minutes of exercise. I also walked circles inside the apartment during commercial breaks while I had the TV on. Ron stopped by today with Colter, they were on there way to run some errands so they stopped by to drop off a sack of goodies for me. Caren had made some Spanish Rice and another container of what looks like green beans but I have to admit I have not as of this moment opened it to see exactly what it is. There was also a half gallon of milk and a dozen eggs.  I may partake before the evening is over. I had chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk while O'Reilly was on so I am sure I will eat again before going to bed.. . .  .Tomorrow is bowling day, the last one of the winter league, I'm looking forward to it. I hope I do well, at least better than my 137 average.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


 The weather today was almost but not quit ugly. I never did get out the door except to get my mail. That is a story in itself. I have a mail box out on the street but Roy told me that the mail is all put in his box anyway so he has installed a mailbox beside my door and when he picks up the mail he leaves mine in the box with the flag up. Such service! I still think I should check my box once in a while anyway, just to make sure. . . . . .  .I built myself a pot of stew today, the weather was just right for staying in and doing that, I did a little house cleaning and now have the last moving in mess cleaned up so the place is ready to live in. . . . . I also took a nap in the rocking chair Roy left for me to use. I was trying to read but that did not last too long, the nap was good though. That is about all I can report about this rainy day, perhaps more will happen around here tomorrow. I hope to at least get in a walk next time the sun comes out.

Monday, April 4, 2011


It was raining most of the day so I didn't get my walk in but I did get to the bowling alley. I took ChiChi along and left him in the car for a little over an hour. It was only 49 degrees so I had no fear of him overheating. I bowled four lines: 160 - 145 -135 -165. Those are round numbers but my final for the day was 607 pins and that breaks down to a very nice 152 average.  I am pleased with my results. After bowling I stopped at Safeway before stopping at DMV to change the address on my drivers license. I found DMV  to be closed on Monday, that is my kind of luck. I will try again on Thursday when I go bowling.
   On the way home I went by Ron and Caren's for a short visit. Caren was not there, this was her day to take Billy shopping so I yakked with Ron for a while before heading home. I can not remember when I was out today that it was not raining. Lets hope that stops before August.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


 This has been another lazy Sunday for me and ChiChi although we did walk for almost an hour in the early afternoon. We walked down the hill and across the rail road tracks. It is very quiet down there with houses scattered about and signs of life but we never saw anyone at all. At one point we heard a very large dog barking and ChiChi was straining at the end of his leash to make tracks out of there. It turned out to be no problem so I continued in my own slow pace, making the dog edgy.. . . This afternoon I watched NASCAR and a couple of movies with popcorn  later in the day.  I'm looking forward to bowling tomorrow, it will be nice to get out and about in the car. I have a little shopping to do, it seems I eat a lot and have to keep the larder filled. I'm glad I am getting back in the habit of walking every day, I must find a way to off set all  that food I can't seem to say no to!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


   I put in a full day today, I didn't start out planning on a busy day but one thing lead to another and I ended up accomplishing a lot of good stuff. It all began with a good breakfast then while the sun was shining the doggie and I left for a walk. Of course it had to sprinkle all the time we were gone [about forty minutes] but it cleared up nicely as soon as we returned.. . . .  I pulled out my 2010 tax forms and was getting ready to write the $459.00 check when I decided just for the heck of it to run the whole thing through one of those free tax preparation programs on line. I chose and went to work punching in all of the numbers and his bottom line was no tax due. So I just punched a few more buttons and filed it right there on the spot. I hope the IRS accepts it with no trouble.. . . After that I got to thinking about last years $1,034.00 check I sent them. I decided to run that through the free tax program too. That time it showed I paid $646.00 too much so I printed out an amended return and sent that off requesting a $646.00 refund. Can't hurt, I figured, all they can do is show me where I am wrong. All of this took a lot of time and I finally turned the computer off about 7PM.
I hope the final result shows that I had a good day. We shall see in a few weeks when the letters come from the IRS. . . . . .I found no NASCAR races last Sunday so I hope they are on TV tomorrow, that will keep me busy until I go bowling on Monday. I expect to tear up the lanes at practice. Maybe one day I will get good enough to do as well during regular bowling. Next Thursday is the final game of the season, the following Thursday will be the banquet then the Summer season starts a week later. Perhaps a year from now I'll be a better bowler, I sure as heck hope so!. . . . I still have that little corner full of stuff that has not been put away at my new place. I may get at that tomorrow, then I will be completely moved in! Sorry for the small print again, I forgot to change the font size and I'm too lazy to retype it. I don't know how to make it larger after it is typed. We all have our problems.

Friday, April 1, 2011


My day was spent poking around the apartment, Roy, my landlord and I came to an agreement about a little corner of his garage where I could store my fishing stuff and my car wash equipment. Now my kitchen is all in order except I still have the folding chairs at the table. I will make some changes there eventually but I'm in no big hurry. One day I will see a little kitchen table and chairs that I think will look great in that spot and bring them home. There is still one small pile of stuff in the bedroom that I have not decided what to do with, I expect I'll find a place for it in the closet and forget about it. It is a lot of forgettable stuff that I really have no use for.
      I took a 45 minute walk around the neighborhood this afternoon, the traffic was very light and I took the doggie along. I found that is a good way to not to  have to cut his nails, he broke a couple today and perhaps if we keep this up all of his nails will be their proper length. I wonder if that would work for me too? The weather was threatening rain and there was a slight breeze but I would guess I got in over two miles. My hope is that I can continue doing that every day, I remember how much better I felt when I was walking daily a year or so ago.