Monday, June 30, 2014


. . . . . . . Turned out to be a busy morning but rewarding.  I stopped by R&R Motors at 8:45 to have my cruise control 'computer' removed so that the part number could be located and sent to a supplier. An hour later I was at the hospital lab getting that blood draw that I attempted yesterday and failed. The tech promised me she would get the results sent immediately to doctor Stoneking so he would have it in time for my 10AM appointment. That promise paid off and the results were just fine. . . . The doctor is very pleased with my 'progress', which means my heart failure is not progressing as fast as was originally projected. I then stopped by the bowling alley and bowled ten lines. The first five was not what I wanted, 139 average, but the second five came in at 151 so I walked out with a 145 for the day. . . . .The owner happened to be behind the counter and told me the games were on him today. He has done that several times this summer and it is much appreciated. I told him I would return again tomorrow and practice some more. It was a good day; and I noticed the river is dirty while on my way into town so that was the reason I was so sure I would be back at the bowling alley tomorrow. Perhaps I'll be fishing on Wednesday.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


. . . . . . This day did not turn out the way I had planned. I left the house in time to get my blood draw before stopping at the bowling alley but when I got to the lab I discovered they are no longer open on Sundays. That made it rough because I wanted the blood draw results sent to my doctor so he would have them tomorrow morning when I arrive for my appointment. . . . .  .After leaving the lab I drove to the bowling alley and found the parking stuffed with automobiles. They had some big doings going on in there so I drove home all dejected.  After arriving back at the house I phoned them and asked what time they would have open lanes for practicing and was told it could be as late as 3pm. I gave some thought to driving back into town but decided since I had to go to the lab and see the doctor in the morning I would just wait and try bowling tomorrow. It turned out to be a really quiet Sunday. There was not even a NASCAR race on TV. I did a lot of reading and was surprised I didn't even get a nap. I will wake up in the morning and start the day all over again, I am sure it will be more productive. Film at Eleven.

Saturday, June 28, 2014


. . . . Had you been looking for me today you would have found me at the fishing hole sitting under an umbrella in the rain reading a book. Of course I didn't catch a fish. The funny dog I live with was sitting in the rain looking at me wondering why we were not going home. The poor pup does not have the sense to sit under the chair I am planted in so to get out of the wet. There were a couple of times when the rain was falling like mad, poor doggy. We did leave about 2:15 during a sunny break but that lasted only until we arrived back at the house. I'll try my luck at bowling  tomorrow.

Friday, June 27, 2014


. . . . . .A pretty good rainstorm came through before I left for the fishing hole this morning but I was fortunate in that I was not flooded out while there. I left about 2:30 to deliver some lawn furniture from Mel's place to the Teigen's and on the way back the rain began. The fishing was comfortable but as usual the catching part left a lot to be desired.. . . . R&R Motors phoned this afternoon; they want me to deliver the car to them Monday morning so they can remove that cruise control part from my car and get the part number off it so they can continue searching for a replacement. My plan is to be there Monday morning before keeping my doctor appointment. In the meantime if the weather allows it I will be back at the river tomorrow. I am stubborn!

Thursday, June 26, 2014


. . . . . It is safe to say that my bowling is just as bad as my fishing. Today for three lines I averaged 126; no need to add that we lost all three games to the other team. The excitement of the day was watching one of the guys we were bowling against bowl a 300 game! I have never seen that done and I don't think I have ever been in the building when it was done. All 32 lanes suspended bowling while he bowled the last three balls, great job! Maybe next week I will do that! It could happen, . . . . . really.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


. . . . . . Doggy and I arrived at the fishing hole around 11AM. There was a cool breeze for the first couple of hours so I sat in the sun and finished my book. By one O'clock the sun was out in all of its glory and I moved to the shade and started another book. Those of you who follow this blog can guess the results of my fishing effort, to the newcomers I have to admit to another day of failure. I expect my luck at the bowling alley tomorrow will show improvement, it has to be better than zero fish. You think?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


. . . . I braved the possibility of rain today and left the house without a jacket. The bowling started out pretty bad when I averaged only 127 for the first five lines. After giving myself a good talking I improved during the second five with a 152 average. I still only did 139 for the day though. That is one pin better than my League average but I certainly expect better than that. As I was leaving the bowling alley I notice three rain drops were on the windshield but I arrived home with none added to it. It was a good day.....

Monday, June 23, 2014


. . . . .The first thing I did after breakfast was wash the car. And  sure enough the weather report for the next five days is rain. . . . . My drive to Canby today was well worth the trouble though. The weather was nice for a drive and the traffic was no problem. . .  .Ol' Ben is still having memory troubles but we hope that will clear up after the effects of the heart attack wear off. He is a great story teller and even with a bad memory he does a good job of making things up if they are not the truth. . . . . I was home by 2PM and about 4:15 Caren phoned and asked me to come by for pork chops and cornbread. I had a fine meal and enjoyed it tremendously. . . Poor little Colton was running around on the wooden deck with no shoes on and contracted with a sliver of wood in his foot, 'all the way to the bone', he claimed. Ron took him upstairs and put the foot to soak and the splinter will be pulled later. Caren told me she will pull it with tweezers, if she can see it. I guess it was not the most noticeably visible splinter in the world. He'll live, I'm sure.

Sunday, June 22, 2014


. . . . . . The weather was perfect today and I never went near the fishing hole. I did venture into town to try my luck at bowling though and turned in a very good result for my trouble. My first five lines gave me a 149 average and the second five delivered a happy 153. I am most pleased with the final tally of 151.4. Tomorrow I plan on driving to Canby to see my ol' buddy Ben who is now in a rest home. Jean has said that he is not recognising people but he loves any company that stops by.

Saturday, June 21, 2014


. . . . .Another fine day at the fishing hole. No fish of course but I didn't lose any gear either. I'll try bowling tomorrow, I am sure I will do well since it is not a league day.

Friday, June 20, 2014


. . . . . Spent three and a half hours at the fishing hole today. The weather was great and I'm enjoying the book. No fish and on my last cast I lost my hook, line and sinker on a hangup of some kind. Tomorrow I will go shopping for some new gear and perhaps go bowling instead of fishing. We shall see. 

Thursday, June 19, 2014


. . . . . . .Another lousy day at the bowling alley, I only averaged 136 meaning I didn't even bowl my league average. Some of those spares were missed by only fractions of an inch but still they missed. The weather is improving and tomorrow I will take my book to the river and fish for a while. Summer days at the river just can not be beaten, fish or no fish.. . . . On the way home I stopped  by Safeway and spent a ton of money on gas then a ton and a half on groceries . I'm set for a while, at least.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


. . . . . I was out of bed so early this morning that I had breakfast, the laundry and a nap behind me by 10 AM. I then had my lunch and was at the fishing hole by 11AM. Of course I didn't get a bite but the weather was really nice and the book I am reading kept me from another nap. Doggy and I were home by 3PM. Bowling tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


. . . . .This turned out to be an interesting day bowling. My first five lines averaged 146 as well as my second five lines. Of course that created a 146 average which made me happy. My average league score is 138 but I am sure that will be increasing if I continue doing as well on Thursdays as I have been doing. I have been working on that since I began bowling three years ago. So, no promises.. .  .After bowling I drove home on the West Side Highway just for the fun of it and stopped at Four Corners for some fish bait before proceeding home. The river looks fair and I may try to catch a salmon tomorrow.

Monday, June 16, 2014


. . . . .I enjoyed the drive through Portland when I visited Ben in the hospital this morning. Ben was very tired and sleepy, I am not sure he even recognised me but Jean was there and happy to see me. Ben had a serious heart incident a week ago and it is  very possible  he will never be ambulatory again. Ben is 88 years old and a wonderful story teller, a great guy to visit with when he's  feeling chipper. . . . . . It rained cats and dogs while I was driving through Portland but I never noticed any thunder or lightening, if it was not there it sure missed a wonderful chance. I was home by noon and spent the rest of the day in front of the TV with popcorn and apple slices.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


. . . . . . .Of course it rained on the car while driving to the bowling alley this morning. My results on the lanes made up for it though. My first five lines totaled a 142 average and the second five came in at 156. That created a daily average of 149 so I came home happy. Actually I didn't go straight home: Caren had invited me to her place for BBQ with Rons folks. I arrived about 1:30 and we had a nice time out on the deck sans rain. Colton is doing very well with his first grade reading, he will enter first grade this fall. It was a good day and I arrived back at the house about 5PM. Just in time to post this then spend the rest of the day in front of the boob tube.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


. . . .  The pup and I arrived at the river around eleven this morning. The water is not as clear as I would have liked but we stayed until almost three PM. No fish were sighted or hooked and the air was a bit cool but I read a few more chapters on my book and enjoyed the quiet day.  I plan on returning to the bowling alley again tomorrow, rain is expected, hopefully I will do well, we shall see. Film at Eleven.

Friday, June 13, 2014


. . . . . . The weather did not appear to me to be fishing weather so I stayed in all day. I never saw rain and it was almost 5PM before the temperature reached 60 degrees here at the house.. . . .I was on the phone for a while attempting to locate a Cruise control computer unit for my 20 year old car. Perhaps I found one but have to phone them back later to verify it. Doggy and I had a good day.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


. . . . The weather report promised rain at noon so I left early to get my errands run before it started. The haircut and Pharmacy stops were great as was my Pro time test. I arrived at the bowling alley at 11:30 and went inside for some lunch before bowling began and when I walked back to the car at 12:10 to get my ball the rain drops were starting. Great timing!  My results on the lane pleased me when I bowled  147-148-134. That produced a 143 average for the day and that is ahead of my league average of 138. It was a good day and the Pro time check was just fine. I will return in six weeks. Life is good. [Except the rain part].

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Doggy and I spent another nice afternoon at the fishing hole. Again, no fish but the reading was nice. Tomorrow is League day bowling. I also have an appointment for a haircut and it is time for another Pro Time blood draw. One of those [seldom] busy days. Rain is expected. After a couple of days of that I will have to wash the car again.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


. . . . . Today was another luncheon with the guys from '52'. Only eight showed up though, one of the usual's recently lost his sun in law to an ATV accident so he was not there. I was in the bowling alley by noon-thirty and was pleasantly surprised to bowl the first five lines with a 141 average. I was even happier to have created an average of 161 for the second set of five.  Taking home a 151 average for the day was most enjoyable. Of course a good day on Tuesday means poor results on Thursday when it really counts; so I will have to really bear down and pay attention. I feel OK about my possibilities though. As if I have never felt that way before and fell flat on my bottom. We shall again tomorrow, perhaps, if my luck holds I will catch a keeper!

Monday, June 9, 2014


. . . . .Didn't catch anything today, it was a nice day to be at the river though. I am also pleased to have not lost a lure or sinker in almost a week .  It appears that the winter runoff of the river changed things at the bottom of the river enough to wash away a lot of the stuff that caused so much trouble for me in the past. I certainly hope that condition continues.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


. . . .  .I was pleased with my bowling practice today; the first five lines came to an average of 142 followed with a 152 for the balance of the ten line total. I walked away averaging 147.6 for my efforts.  I arrived home earlier than usual for some reason and wasted the rest of the day in front of the boob tube with a bowl of popcorn and sliced apple. The weather is still fine but the forecast is rain in a few days.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


. . . . . I was tempted to copy and paste yesterdays post into this slot too. The weather was great at the fishing hole again but as usual there were no fish to be seen. Back to the bowling alley tomorrow, I guess.

Friday, June 6, 2014


. . . . Another good day at the fishing hole, sans fish. Doggy and I caught up on our reading, I finished one book on my nook and started another. The river is at a low point so far but I noticed it came up almost two inches while we were there. No rain on  the horizon so I plan on returning tomorrow.

Thursday, June 5, 2014


... . . . . I fell on my bottom [figuratively] while bowling today. 135-125-142 =134 average. I am happy that the weather is so nice, I will return to the fishing hole tomorrow and attempt to hide my shame.. . . .  . I had many one pin attempts at a spare and missed almost all of them. The weather looks good for next week, that is encouraging!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014


. . . . . ChiChi and I spent a quiet and comfortable four hours at the river today. My lure was working well but there seems to be no fish that have any interest. I have another good book on my nook so all was well. The Nook leaves a lot to be desired in the sunshine but when I use it in the shade with full lighting it produces a very readable page. I purchased a nice cover for it at the dollar store the other day so I am now taking it with me when fishing.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


. . . . . . I thought I was real hot stuff at the bowling alley today. My first five lines amounted to a 155 average, including one 200 game. I was so full of myself that I bowled 122 for the rest of the day. After doing all of the arithmetic the day ended with a 139 average. I plan on fishing/ reading tomorrow then returning to the bowling alley for the Summer Senior League weekly extravaganza Thursday. I hope to not embarrass myself.

Monday, June 2, 2014


. . . . . I spent $20 at four corners for fishing stuff before going down to the river for some fishing. I didn't do any good. At least I didn't lose any gear. That is the good news. I will return to my fishing again on Wednesday.. . . . The weather was fantastic if not overly warm, I hope it continues at least through Christmas.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


. . . . . . The weather was just dandy today and my bowling was not too bad either. I averaged 160 for the first five lines and 155 during the second five. That ended up being almost 158 for the day. For me that is very good bowling. My next attempt to continue the good luck will be Tuesday when I give it another try. . . . On the way home I stopped by Safeway and spent $87.00. I must be eating way too much. .  .   .  .  Got a text from Terri today, she is in Nuremberg enjoying the sights and will return to Hawaii on Friday.