Thursday, May 31, 2012


I left the house about 10:30 because I had a date with my haircutter before going bowling. Bowling went well, at least I ended up doing better than my average but had I scored one more point in the second game we would have won all three games. As it was I ended up with 155-113-146. I don’t feel too bad about it all because I was able to come back from the terrible second line with a [for me] pretty good game. The rains hit about the time I got out of the bowling alley and I stopped by Ron and Caren’s place to deliver a B’day present to the four year old Colter. I also got to watch him open his other gifts, he was full of OOOh’s and Awww’s, a very happy little guy. He is now, as of his Birthday, officially out of the diaper stage, good boy, Colter! I was home by 4pm and got something to eat while the rain was stopping. I hope it is gone for at least another year.
         Had some trouble with my puter this afternoon, the key board and mouse stopped working. I never did figure out the problem but since I restarted it things seem to be OK. I’m going to post this and consider myself lucky for the day.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


. . . .Cloudy and comfortable today. The dog and I spent another four hours at the river. No fish, no bites, no nothing. I did get a bit of exercise moving sand around but the water is just high enough to keep me out of the sitting area of the fire pit. So no work was done there. Got home a bit after 4PM and after eating a snack I crashed in front of the TV. Tomorrow I go bowling, I wonder how that will pan out.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


……..ChiChi and I arrived at the fishing hole at 11:30 and spent four hours reading, relaxing and even shoveling some sand. There were no fish as far as I could tell but I will try again tomorrow. I smoothed out a very nice path to the fire pit area  and noticed as we were leaving that the water was rising, another couple of inches and the new path will be under water, as well as the sitting area. I checked the water level after getting home and found that yes, the river has come up high enough to flood my work. I guess that is why we have tomorrows!

Monday, May 28, 2012


. . . .I made it to Safeway and back without getting rained on this morning so I decided to try the fishing hole after lunch. ChiChi and I spent four hours trying to catch a fish but only lost a sinker. I shoveled some more sand, just for the exercise, and enjoyed the breaks in the clouds when they came around. The air was cool but when the sun came out it was very nice at the river. The rest of the U.S. is having trouble with the heat, I suggest they come visit Western Washington, no heat here.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


. . . I got interested in auto racing today and never did get out of the house. Between races I ate lunch and took a nap. The river is a bit milky and perhaps it will be clear by tomorrow. The auto racing was a lot of fun but I am afraid I am going to have to throw a lot of sand at the fishing hole to make up for all the calories I consumed today.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


. . . The river really nose dived last night, I thought this morning when I checked the computer  that the sitting area at the fire place might be above water again. Weather radar did show a lot of moisture in the area though so I was not convinced I wanted to go fishing. Since it was too nice  to stay inside I drove the doggie down there to look around. The water is now a couple of inches above 35 feet and the fireplace area is above water but it is muddy. The high water did bring in an inch of sand or so and that will be shoveled out as soon as things get dry. I did fish for a while and got a very nice strike but he got away with my lure before I could reel him in. The leader knot became untied and he swam off with my lure in his mouth. That was my favorite lure too! On the way home this afternoon I stopped by the store and purchased two more lures just like the one I lost. If the weather holds I may go back tomorrow and try my luck again.

Friday, May 25, 2012


. . . .We enjoyed a beautiful sun shiny morning today, it looked a lot like summer had arrived. Doggie and I went to the fishing hole and attempted to catch something but no such luck. I did throw more sand around so I can honestly say I got some exercise this afternoon. Getting exercise is one of the questions I have to answer each evening as I weigh myself. My scale is hooked up to the telephone and the machine sends in a report to the hospital each morning and evening. There are six questions, three in the morning and three more in the evening as I go to bed. That is why I mention my weight so much, it is a constant battle to keep it within the range the nurses like. If I don’t answer the questions correctly I get a phone call a couple of days later checking up on me. I do my best to keep that from happening. Life is tough!

Thursday, May 24, 2012


. . . Rain today but nothing serious, the river is up but it is clear, I may give fishing a try tomorrow. I did not do well bowling today. My average for three lines was 126. The silver lining is that when my handicap is figured in I was the second top bowler on the two teams. That is always nice but nicer would be to improve my game. That will happen eventually, if I live long enough! There were a lot of dark clouds threatening Pleasant Hill this evening, looks like they could burst any minute.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


. . . . The river is up again, this rain we have been enjoying not has been the main cause. No fishing today so I drove into town to practice bowling again. Six lines for an average of 136. the only good thing about it  is that my last game was the best. I had to really buckle down and pay attention to save my daily average. That made the difference, I guess. Tomorrow is League Bowling, perhaps I will be able to pull it all together and make a good showing for myself. No promises though! We had sunshine and showers today, both on and off. Too much of one and not enough of the other.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


. . . . Rained most of the night. This is Washington, you know. The Evergreen [Ever wet] State. I did get back to the bowling alley though:188-132-144-115-137-146 for about a 146 average. Not bad for a young guy! Doggie and I stayed in this evening, feels like winter is attempting a comeback.

Monday, May 21, 2012


. . . . There was a steady drizzle in progress when I got up this morning. I got my laundry caught up and had breakfast completed by 8AM.
The river is up a bit, as expected. I had no desire to go fishing so I thought about bowling. It was a struggle but after lunch I did drive into town and bowled 6 lines. My average turned out to be 140 with a high game of 155 and a low of 102. I would have had a good average but for that low rascal. After bowling I stopped by the dollar store and bought two more books then visited with Ron and Caren for a while. Their place is looking good, they have a landscaper making improvements all over the yard. Caren and Colter have colds or allergies, I hope it is not colds. It rained hard on the way home from their place, it was nice to get inside and let it pour!. . . .Power went out a few minutes before 5PM, I will be waiting until 8PM to watch O’Reilly tonight. The power was back a few minutes after his five O’clock show ended. It is really exciting here when we have a power failure because the whole place works on electricity, the toilets only flush once because the water is supplied by a well, pumped by an electric motor. Roy stopped by to let me know that they had phoned the power company [cell phone] and discovered that a large area was out. We also had a real nice [not] downpour during that hour: I spent most of the time reading.

Sunday, May 20, 2012


. . . .Weather was really socked in early this morning but by 8AM the sun was shining bright and things were looking good. It looked like another nice day at the fishing hole was in store. I did some more digging but the wet sand in the sitting area made it difficult to get a lot done. I did smooth out the secondary spot and enjoyed my book. Doggie and I were home again by 3:30. I think he was getting as hungry as I was. It was a nice day, lets hope this weather continues.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


. . . .Weather was really socked in early this morning but by 8AM the sun was shining bright and things were looking good. It looked like another nice day at the fishing hole was in store. I did some more digging but the wet sand in the sitting area made it difficult to get a lot done. I did smooth out the secondary spot and enjoyed my book. Doggie and I were home again by 3:30. I think he was getting as hungry as I was. It was a nice day, lets hope this weather continues.

Friday, May 18, 2012


. . . The river is really much cleaner and looks great, just no fish biting. The level has dropped a foot and now the sitting area is free to dry out; there seems to be about four inches of sand that needs removal and if the level remains down and the rain stays away I will be able to get things cleaned up shortly. The secondary sitting area I have been working on is looking good and will remain in good shape until next year floods wash it out. We had nice weather again today but rain is on the horizon, sorry to say.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


. . .I did so poorly at bowling today that I don’t want to even write about it. On the way home I tried to come up with a good excuse to put in the blog but I even failed at that! I told the team I would return next week and embarrass myself again. It would have been a nice day fishing, not too hot, not too cool, just right. The Westport station shows a few showers in their area. Tomorrow might be clear enough to try the fishing hole again. The river is still high but the water is clear enough for fishing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


. . . . ChiChi and I spent three hours at the fishing hole this afternoon, didn’t catch anything but did get in a lot of reading and even threw some sand around. The sitting area at the fire pit is still under about four inches of water but the wave action of the passing boats has done a great job of leveling the deck. It was a good day to be fishing, the weather was just right, it reminded me of February in Mazatlan. Tomorrow I go bowling and if the weather holds I hope to be back fishing Friday.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


. . . . Doggie and I spent about three hours at the fishing hole today. The river had come up so the sitting area was under six inches of water. I fished from a high point about 40 feet downstream from the sitting area. That high point is only about 6 inches from being flooded out too so I used the idiot stick to throw some sand down from above in an attempt to raise the ground level. I got a lot of exercise out of it and that is a good thing but I may have overdone things a bit because I now have a slight sting in my chest where the wires from the pacemaker are located. I think I will slack off for a day or two and wait for that to heal. Surely I don’t want to pull those wires loose! The weather was great for fishing and working, it was cooler and more cool weather is expected to arrive soon. Just in time to go bowling on Thursday.

Monday, May 14, 2012


. . . . .It was a good day to be fishing. I didn’t catch anything but what the heck, it was a good day anyway. I did get some much needed exercise by throwing a lot of sand around at the top of the steps where the stairs end. That area is about half way down the dike and nature has delivered about three feet of sand up there over the past several winters so I decided to throw some of it down the hill. I would like to see a really strong rain storm hit and perhaps help the sand continue the journey down to rivers edge but that may be wishful thinking. I was unable to get to the sitting area today because the river has come up just enough to make it too muddy to work around there. The good weather is supposed to continue for another day or perhaps two, I will get down there again tomorrow and see what I can do to help clean things up. Maybe to catch a fish? Hope, hope!

Sunday, May 13, 2012


. . . . ChiChi and I left for the fishing hole about noon and returned at 4PM with no fish. I did catch two trout, 8-9 inches and had I known I would catch two I would not have thrown the first one back. I ended up throwing them both back. The two of them would have made a great breakfast! This evening was spent eating popcorn and apple slices while watching a commercial free movie. The weather was fantastic at the river today, I hope that continues until next May.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


. . . Today I took my jacket with me and had no need for it. It was a beautiful day at the fishing hole and I even hooked a small salmon. When I attempted to get the net under him I hit his mouth with it and broke him off the hook. He would have made a couple of large meals for a large family, might have weighed 6 pounds. I got some exercise digging out the sitting area and took time to read for a while too. It was a good day, very quiet and restful, ChiChi liked it too but he was getting antsy toward the end and was ready to come home by 3PM. I was happy to bow to his wishes. NASCAR had started by dinner time so I sat in the recliner and pigged out while watching the fun.

Friday, May 11, 2012


. . . . Beautiful day today! I went to the river to check out the fishing hole and forgot to take my jacket, not smart. It was a whole lot cooler at the river than it was anywhere else. I lasted a couple of hours and kept warm by digging sand out of  the sitting area with the idiot stick. ChiChi went along and as usual had a great time running around checking out all the new smells that he finds down there each time we visit.  It was a quiet day except for the attempt to catch a fish. We will see about doing the same thing tomorrow. The digging is good exercise at least.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


. . . .The first line I bowled today was 201. I thought I was really hot stuff so I followed it with a 127. Not so hot anymore. The third one was a 145 which did help  lower my handicap as well as my opinion of myself. River level is less than 36 feet and still coming down, I may not get out there since the weekend is coming and everybody and his brother will be looking for some good fishing. Perhaps I will wait until Monday when I am not in the way of the guys who can only fish on weekends. More bowling practice wouldn’t hurt me, I’m sure. As I type this at 6:45PM I find the river has taken a 6-8 inch dip in the past couple of hours. I just might give it a try tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


. . . . . This is the link to Colter’s Dance Recital, give it a try! I listed it under Entertainment because it is entertaining but I was torn between that and Humor because it certainly has a lot of that too! Three year olds are unpredictable, no doubt! It looks like Sunday will become one of the hottest days of May and the river level is slowly becoming more enticing by the hour. Since I am bowling tomorrow I will not get to the fishing hole before Friday at the earliest.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


. . . .Since this was the second Tuesday of the month I had lunch with half  dozen of my high school classmates. The bar we meet at has just put in a soup/salad bar for $6.00 so I indulged. The food was great and I intend to get the same thi8ng next time, the blue cheese dressing has many, many wonderful tasting calories! The restaurant is only a block from the bowling alley so I stopped by and surprised myself. 191-155-155-169-121-146 for a 156 average. I was especially happy with the last game because I was getting tired and had to really buckle down to deliver the ball properly. When I do everything right things work out; my problem is forgetting to concentrate on each and every ball I throw. I was home by 2:30 and spent a little more time trying to figure out how to make a movie of Colter’s Dance Recital. The camera I used is not as compatible with my computer program as I would like. I have a Kodak camera but am not using a Kodak program to edit the final product. Life is tough when your ain’t too smart.
The river has dropped about a foot, it won’t be long now!

Monday, May 7, 2012


. .  .I went to work on my laundry early this morning. That job is all done.  The river level is 36.58 feet, another eighteen inches of drop and I will be able to find the standing area at the fishing hole. The water is a nice color so if there are fish in there I may be able to get one this summer. I bowled another six lines today and averaged 140 with my low game being 135, it looks consistent if nothing else. I may learn to bowl yet!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


. . . It was another grocery shopping day so I stopped by the bowling alley to try my luck. I was very happy with results. 118-112-172-168-146-198-. I think that works out to almost a 162 average for the six lines. Perhaps when Thursday rolls around I will be able to improve my handicap. Wish me luck. The river is still way too high for fishing, that will change if this good weather holds for a week or so.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


.  . . . I attended Colt’s Dancing recital today. The poor little guy got a bad case of stage fright and was unable to perform. It reminded me of my first time on stage, third grade, I did what they wanted but I was not happy with it. Caren and I took video pictures, we will have to share them with you all. After leaving the Dance I delivered myself to the bowling alley for some more embarrassing moments but actually did pretty well, for me. I scored 148-156-157-154-124-178. That works out to close to 144 for the series. Not bad for a young guy. I was home about 2PM having never gotten a drop of rain on my little pointed head. The river is still way up there so that rules out fishing for a while. I worked on a YouTube presentation regarding Colter's Dancing exploits, it will be a slow process.

Friday, May 4, 2012


. . . The weather was nice today, nothing out of the ordinary except there was very little rain. I bowled another 6 lines in the early afternoon averaging 144 which is a good sign. On the way home I stopped by the Dollar store and bought another book. . . . The river is still high , in fact higher, but that will change eventually. I will be getting into the fishing hole by this time next week, I am hoping.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


. . . I visited the hospital for my protime check and arrived late at the bowling alley because of it. The Summer league now starts bowling at noon and that is a half hour earlier than it was when I originally made the protime appointment. My scores were 94- 148-170. I felt pretty good about that because the last two lines helped prove to me that I can bowl if I really pay attention to what I’m doing. That first line shows what happens when I throw the ball when releasing it. That does not work for me. I do better when I just swing my arm out and drop the ball on the alley. It stays on track much better that way. I don’t get as tired either. We had a gully washer of a rain this afternoon and the river is already too high for fishing. It will be worse tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


. . .  .I drove to Vancouver for another session with the Urologist; arriving there at 10AM. Since I was as close to Jean and Bens place as I have been in months I decided to travel the extra distance to spend an hour or so visiting with them. They are both in good spirits, Ben is having heart trouble but Jean seems to be doing a good job of taking care of him. I left there before the commuter traffic started and arrived home about 4PM. There was very little rain so I enjoyed the drive. I left the doggie home and he was pleased as punch to see me pulling in the garage. Roy’s dog, Izzy also came in the garage to get her ears scratched.  She really leans into my hand as I scratch away! Good dog, Izzy.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


. . . .Drove to the Teigen’s this afternoon to see the changes they are making to the property around the house. The flower beds are looking good and they have added a little waterfall near the back door. Looks nice.. . . .I had considered bowling today but never did get down there. I will wait until Thursday to embarrass myself. I had a nice visit and hope to return soon. Colter is sure growing.