Sunday, November 30, 2014

SUNDAY. . . . .

. . . . . . Great weather [but very cold], good food, lots of football on TV and a comfortable chair, that was Sunday.  The meal Caren sent me home with after Thanksgiving dinner at her house actually made four meals for me and the last one was eaten today. I think I have gained four pounds since Thursday morning. Did not go walking today either, my bad. Tomorrow begins another week but that does not mean I will get any exercise, winter is making me very lazy. Warm weather, where art thou?

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SATURDAY. . . . .

. . . . . At noon today it was snowing! I thought I had a great excuse to not take the dog out for a walk. Ten minutes later the sun was out and the skies were a dark blue. So much for excuses. We did get out of the house for at least a two mile jaunt. It was cold enough and I didn't wear a heavy jacket but it was still good for me. On the way we met a large Lab pup about a year old and he followed us home, teasing ChiChi all the way. When we finally got in the house I noticed he turned around and began to find the path home. I am sure he will meet us the next time we walk down to the river. The snow never did return and the satellite  picture shows no bad clouds in the area. I wonder how long that'll last.

Friday, November 28, 2014

FRIDAY. . . ..

. . . . . .The weather report is rain, in case you didn't notice. . . . .Doggy and I stayed inside all day except for the six steps to the mail box. My weight has gone from 194 to 197. As you can tell there is nothing unusual going on at this Pleasant Hill address.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

THURSDAY. . . . . .

. . . . .This turned out to be a nice day. The weather is not necessarily included in the prior statement. ChiChi and I were invited to Teigen' for Thanksgiving dinner and it was a very happy affair. And, as usual Caren and Ron did a great job of cooking up some mighty fine dishes. Their two puppies wore out my old grandaddy dog but he will survive, I'm sure. We arrived home about 5PM and will now fall asleep in front of the Seattle/San Francisco football game. It was a fine day.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

WEDNESDAY. . . . . .

. . . . . After my Pro time check at the hospital this morning I went by the bowling alley and practiced five lines. I am very pleased to report a 152 average for the time spent and if my low game of 126 had not happened my results would have been most remarkable [for me]. After bowling I stopped by Safeway and bought some more groceries, I certainly do eat a lot!     .      .       .  The river level is really up there and the color is a lot more than tan like it was a few days ago. It's just the right color to be a great advertisement for flowing milk chocolate.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

TUESDAY. . . . . .

 . . . . . . I saw three deer relaxing on the lawn this afternoon. Later they were on their feet frolicking around the yard like it was spring time. I am glad the little dog didn't get out there and frighten them away. He is prone to that type of mischief.
The river height is well over the floor of the sitting area at the fishing hole so even though there was not a lot of cold air blowing I made no effort to go fishing. I was happy to be inside looking out.

Monday, November 24, 2014

MONDAY. . . . .

. . . . . . This was another one of those uneventful days that retired folks often confront.  The threat of rain created a reason to not get out of the house and walk the dog as I should have. I make no promise that tomorrow will be any different.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

SUNDAY. . . . . .

. . . . .Another easy day on Pleasant Hill!  Lots of football, popcorn and movies. The river report says the water level is down but I have not yet seen how clean it is. After all of the rain today I doubt it will be clean enough to go fishing tomorrow.
Seattle won, that was jolly. I ate too much, not so jolly.

Saturday, November 22, 2014


. . . . .Surprise! I did not accomplish a darn thing all day. Roy even delivered my mail to the door so I had no reason to walk the six steps to the mail box. The bad news is that I also refused to get outside and walk the doggy while the sun was shinning. I am a sad case, I fear. Too much football and good movies on TV. { I have to blame something, since of course I can do no wrong}. I get that from listening to Obama. Did you know that Michelle is always on top because the President always screws everything up? He learned that from Jimmy Carter.

Friday, November 21, 2014

FRIDAY. . . . . . . .

. . . . . If you like a heavy, wet rainstorm you would love Pleasant Hill today! .  .  .
It ain't my cup of tea but that's just the way I am. . . . .Ilona, Roy's wife was having trouble with her computer today so I spent about an hour with them this afternoon. They are good people and great landlords. . . . . . The river is a foot below flooding the sitting area at the fishing hole so I made no effort to go fishing. Sat around home and tried to not endanger my girlish figure by eating too much.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

THURSDAY. . . . .

. . . . . .I left the bowling alley with a 157 for the three games today. My low game was 152 and that really helped my mood. With a little luck my handicap will become 60 and that is average for the team. I feel competitive at least. No bowling next week due to Thanksgiving but I will try to get in some practice in the next couple of weeks. Rain is on the way but that is nothing new around here.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

WEDNESDAY. . . . . .

. . . . . I spent an hour at the bowling alley; bowled five lines and left with a 159.6 average. Now the challenge is to do as well tomorrow at league bowling. . . .  .After  bowling I stopped my Walmart and stocked up on food stuffs and such. The weather is holding but it is not showing any sign of warming!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

TUESDAY. . . . .

. . . . . . .Twenty seven degrees again this morning. I went fishing again today but my dog refused to get in the car so I left him home. He is catching on to that cold wind at the river. When I put on my blizzard suit and invite him to get in the car he just walks away. I was there for about three hours today and saw one other guy about 3/4 of a mile upstream but there was no action. The water level was at the highest point at which I will accept when I arrived but like yesterday it came up several inches while I was there. There is no doubt winter is in the air, my bones really complain after sitting still for an hour or so waiting for a fish to bite. It is even getting too cool to enjoy reading. It was especially bad today because the sun was behind a heavy cloud cover most of the time. Winter is a bunch of poop.

Monday, November 17, 2014

MONDAY. . . . . .

. . . . . .Doggy and I were at the fishing hole for a couple of hours today but the water was raising all the time we were there. We caught no fish and by the time we left the water was high enough to have convinced me not to have bothered. There was also a lot of 'salad' being washed down and that required constant removal from the line. The weather was fine but very cool. I checked the raising water on the puter and found that it went about another foot up before starting to get back to normal. There is a possibility the Electric Company increased the flow to increase production for the evening. Who knows. The temperature at sunup was 25. Clear skies all day.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

SUNDAY. . . . .

. . . . . Another day of too much NASCAR, football and pigging out.  I got outside only long enough to carry the weekly trash to the trash can and spend a few minutes talking with my landlord, Roy.  I also enjoyed my Sunday night popcorn and a commercial free movie.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

SATURDAY. . . . . .

. . . . . .Wasted the day watching NASCAR and football. That will surely be the report tomorrow also. The temperature was 27 this morning, I expect that to remain the same too. Lazy day.

Friday, November 14, 2014

FRIDAY. . . . .

. . . .  .Doggy and I did our walk thing again today. The route was a bit different but I am sure it was close to two miles. The weather is getting cooler by the day so the dog is not having any trouble keeping up with my long legs. He did take a long nap this afternoon but I did the same earlier so we are even in the nap department. The barometer is reading higher and that is expected to last for a few more days so we just might get out again tomorrow.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

THURSDAY. . . . .

. . . . .My first line of bowling today was an anemic 136 but I came back with a 169 followed by a 157. The 154 average for the day pleased me immensely. My league average when I started today was 149 and I do hope these results increase that to 150. Driving into town I noticed some snow flakes coming down but it was rain a couple of hours later going home. I also noticed that the river level is up again even though the turbidity is not as bad. I will not bother going fishing tomorrow. Perhaps the next day.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


. . . . . .Wow! the temperature at daylight was 27c!  That is winter in my mind! Things did warm up enough for doggie and I to go on a mile and a half walk this afternoon. We would have walked further except that a train was parked on the two roads we use to get to the river. Two vehicles were waiting to get home and they were still waiting when we got back to the house.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

TUESDAY. . . . .

. . . . . . .Lots of sunshine today, just the way I like it!  The wind is up and the temperatures are down but the big, cold storm passing to the north of us is the reason for that. The river is showing some improvement but I doubt I will be out there very soon; the fish will just have to wait. . . . .Had a fine lunch with the '52' gang today. Eight or nine showed up and the conversation was lively, funny and stuff like that. I stopped by the bowling alley after lunch and practiced five lines. My results were a happy 151 average. They may not have been that good except that I ended up bowling a great 170 or so during the last line. I feel good about being able to repeat this score on Thursday. I enjoy being a positive thinker. I can't bowl worth a darn but at least I can do that!

Monday, November 10, 2014

MONDAY. . . . . .

. . . . . The sun was out most of the day. I was able to work up the gumption to get out of the house and walk the dog down to the river and back. I believe he was as happy to get out for a while as I was. It is too bad I can't kick myself into action more often and get in the much needed exercise that is required for good health. Tomorrow I will drive into town and have lunch with the gang of '52' and while I am there I will stop by the bowling alley and throw five lines. Lets hope I do well and repeat that on Thursday!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

SUNDAY . . . . .

. . . . . . .There was not a lot of rain today but after the Birthday Party at Mel's place I drove Billy home and had to use the windshield wipers most of the way coming home. The Party was fun, we all like KFC so Mel picked up enough of that for an army and also picked up Billy on his way back to the house. I had fallen  asleep and woke up at 1PM, when I was suppose to have arrived. I was not more than 20 minutes late but those two had eaten already and had the football game on the TV. I did my best to not eat too much but I'm sure you know that idea didn't work out real well. We stayed till the ball game ended about 4:30 and that is when I drove Bill home. Seattle won the game so that was frosting on the cake. For some reason I failed to take ChiChi with me so he was waiting for his dinner when I arrived. It was a good day.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

SATURDAY. . . . .

. . . . . I felt like the exercise would be good for me so I washed the car today. It looks like new again! Doggy and I drove to the river to check out the old fishing hole and discovered that the water is still too high and dirty to even think about fishing. I had taken a sandwich with me to eat for lunch but we didn't stay long enough even for that. .  .  .  The afternoon was spent watching TV and generally doing nothing worth anything. The sun is out and I'm happy to have a clean car but a big storm is expected overnight so I guess it will rain again tomorrow. So much for a clean car.

Friday, November 7, 2014

FRIDAY. . . . .

. . . . . . Just another lazy day on Pleasant Hill. I did back the car out of the garage and attempt to find out the reason for so many fuses to be burning out on the Interior lights system. I was unable to find the problem but I did discover that the fuse carries ten volts across it even when the car is shut down. I have not been able to discover what is causing that so perhaps I will have to turn it over to R&R Motors one day soon and see what they can do.  The river is down enough to return to the fishing hole but the turbidity level is still up. Perhaps tomorrow I will drive by and take a closer look. The sun is expected to be out in all of its glory too!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

THURSDAY . . . . .

. . . .  .Bowling did not go as well as I would have liked [does it ever?] but I did end up with a 144 for the three games. I'm really trying for a 150 average and I do have that as a present league average but it will not last if I don't keep it up each week. . . . . .After I got home I fed the dog and had a snack when Caren phoned and invited me over for some clam chowder she had made. Along with some home made bread. I loaded ChiChi in the car and drove over right away. I didn't want to wait for fear she might change her mind.  [Just joking]. We arrived home about 6:45 and are now settled in for the evening. The river looks cleaner but still too high for fishing at the fishing hole. Maybe the weekend will show promise. 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

WEDNESDAY. . . . .

. . . . . . I noticed the dirty Cowlitz river this morning as I drove into town for my weekly bowling practice. It is still high and the color of baby poop. I will not be fishing for a while, I fear. . . .  .I bowled five lines today and left with a 162 average, my hope is that I will do that well tomorrow when it really counts.. . . After arriving home I got the laundry caught up and actually exercised for a few minutes. . . . .The rain was a constant drizzle most of the day, typical for this time of year. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

TUESDAY. . . . .

. . . . The refrigerator was getting empty so I drove into town today to stock up. Of course it had to rain both ways. . . . . It was nice to get out of the house though.
The river is still too high and dirty to do any fishing. The level is higher than the floor of the sitting area where I fish.  . . . . . This evening will be spent watching election returns, America's greatest sport as far as I am concerned. I'm feeling fine and looking forward to a short session of bowling practice tomorrow.

Monday, November 3, 2014

MONDAY. . . . .

.  . . . . I received a note from Natalia today. She told me the temperatures have dropped from the 90's into the 80's and that a Hurricane is expected in the area in a day or so. Kelso temps have dropped into the high 40's, Natalia still has the better weather. . . . .I accomplished absolutely nothing today, I made every effort to not eat too much but considering the number of calories I burned by doing nothing I am sure I gained weight just by drinking as extra glass of water. The scale said 193.3 when I weighed this morning. Lets see what it says tomorrow.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

SUNDAY. . . . . .

. . . . . Doggy and I are doing fine, just wasted another day watching Auto Racing and football. I'm happy to say we did not overeat, I hope, at least that was my intent. A large weather front was to have hit here today but it seems that my occur tomorrow instead. Fine with us, we are warm and dry with a full refrigerator.
Life is good!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

SATURDAY. . . . .

. . . .  .I made up for yesterdays lazies by doing a lot of house work today. I washed the bed stuff and mopped the hard floors. That was happening while the TV was going with NASCAR and foot ball. There is no doubt I got as much exercise as I would have if I had been bowling. I was also good about not eating a lot more than I really needed. I doubt that will last long but at least I tried. The clocks have all been set back so I am ready for tomorrow, bring it on!