Friday, April 4, 2014


. . . . . The dog talked me into a walk today. We didn't get to the river but ended up walking for 40 minutes anyway. There was a slight mist falling as we left the house and I did not want to get caught in a heavy downpour so we stayed close to home to be safe. All went fine and since the walk he has spent all afternoon snoring in the living room. I also got a nap and read for a while. I feel better after walking and if all goes well I may return to the bowling alley again tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. After you're great day of bowling Thursday, Colt & I were in town for fun on Friday. I asked him if he wanted to stop by to watch you bowl. He saif, "No, Uncle Cliff only plays Good Bowling on Thursday".
    Hmmm, He listens and follows your bowling scores also. When he gets twice the weight of a bowling ball, we'll see how he does rolling that ball. Right now he is fitting in more with Auntie Coral and golfing.
