Tuesday, November 15, 2011


. . The first time I checked the thermometer this morning it read 40o. The weather report claimed  almost  freezing during the night. I have no idea why I am bothering to write about it; cold is coming and all of my postings will not change that fact one bit.. . .  Never did get in any walking today except during commercials when I had the TV on. Got a note from Terri: She has been swimming in the warm sunshine of Hawaii! Rich people. I continued with ‘War and Peace’, that book is a monster to wade through but if I can pay attention I find the author tells a pretty good story. This is my second reading and I remember very little of the first. I’ve been searching on line for information about laptop computers, I will be making myself a present of one for Christmas. Unless someone…No, no, never happen! I have put my fat little doggie on a diet, only gets to eat twice a day, all he wants out of the bowl each time then it is stored for leftovers until next meal time. I think he will loose weight because he can’t really hold a lot in that small tummy. The only problem is he wakes me up every morning before sunrise because he is hungry. That may be best, no need for me to sleep my life away anyway.  Caren phoned, she had some Lasagna waiting for me to come get. She phoned about the time O’Reilly was coming on so I told her I would stop by after 6M. ChiChi and I arrived about 6:15 and was greeted at the door by both Ron and Ashton. They had not yet had dinner so I was invited to sit down for a nice meal and conversation. Caren mentioned that she has  a good relationship with Dell Computer and thought she might be able to get me a deal so I asked her to go for it. It will be nice if she can save me some money and or get me into an even better deal than I could make at any store. I was planning on going to Wal-Mart but they don’t sell Dell equipment. I think that is true. About 8PM ChiChi and I left with enough food for two more meals of Lasagna. It has been a good day. ChiChi would disagree. I don’t think he is too happy with the diet he is on.

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