Friday, September 27, 2013


. . . . . . Great day if you love wet weather; it was not so cold that I stayed away from the fishing hole but it did rain all the time the dog and I were there. No fish of course but that's OK, we can handle it. Reading was not possible because it was just not comfortable enough under that umbrella.  I was not happy sitting under an umbrella with a smelly, wet dog in my lap and the first time I pulled in my lure to check the bait I got hung up on something [again] in the river and lost my hook, sinker spreader and a good piece of line. I was in no mood to tie up a new set of gear because of the rain and I had no more spreaders anyway so I told the dog to pick up anything he wanted to take with him and we left. I did deliver Mel's weed eater to his shed; it was sitting down there getting soaked for no good reason. I then drove by 4-Corners and bought a new fishing lure and some spreaders. After getting home I sat in the kitchen and tied up a new set of rigging and prepared some fish eggs for the next attempt. Doing that sort of work in the kitchen is much easier than doing it with cold wet fingers at the rivers edge. I may go back tomorrow if the rain does not get any worse. I can take the rain pretty well as long as the temperature stays above 50 degrees. I don't expect that kind of weather to last much longer around here. 

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