Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I am feeling much better today and I must say it feels better to be feeling better. I have spent the last four days with nothing but rest and lots of fluids on my mind. I knew this morning that things were much better but since I had no other plans I spent most of the day being lazy. I did get a shower and that perked me up a lot too. The computer was never turned on all day, I am behind on my chess games and my email but that is a small price to pay for getting better.
I delivered my car to R&R Motors this afternoon so it will be there in the morning when they start looking for that rattle and the oil pressure sending device problem. Caren picked me up and drove me home; early tomorrow Ron is stopping by to pick me up so I can drive him home from his one day surgery he is having in the morning in Portland.
Perhaps you have heard of the Balloon Boy, well we have a Closet Boy in the family. While in Long Beach this weekend little Colt walked into a closet and turned the dead bolt against his favor. He was unable to turn it back to unlock the door so the maintenance man had to be called to open the door. That is when the problems really began. The maintenance man discovered he did not have a key to that dead bolt. In the meantime little Colt was screaming his head off in that dark closet. It turns out the door had to be removed in a very ungentlemanly way to rescue the little guy. All is well now and Colt seems to be doing just fine.
I'm glad I'm feeling better because I am still planning on feeling well enough next week to begin my trip to Alaska. I also want to go bowling tomorrow and have a good day at that before leaving for another extended stay on the road. Winter Bowling league begins on September 8th and if all goes the way I am hoping some of that time will be missed because of a long trip to Mexico. Do you think that can happen? We will just have to wait and see, I have to check with my doctor about that 55% Kidney Function test first. Got to see how he feels about my going.
This was a good day, I'm up and walking, can't beat that. I also have an appetite, that is a good sign too.
I have recently been very lazy but I know it has been for a good cause, well worth every boring minute of it!

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