Friday, June 17, 2011


. .Early this morning I removed my video Part Two from You Tube. It had not been accepted. I mean the mode in which I had sent it had not been accepted. The plan was to work on that today. Part 3 is now finished so when I find a way to apply the proper mode to the two remaining videos I will post them.
I left the house a little after 8AM to get my car to the shop for that ball joint replacement. The mechanic drove me home and on the way I mentioned I was driving to Alaska in August so he promised to give the car a good inspection. The last thing I need on that trip is car trouble, especially if it is something that needs attention now.. . . .  I was back home by 8:40 and started work on remaking Part two of my video. Hoping I save it properly for uploading to YouTube. By 1PM I had all three parts of my Trip To Key West posted on You Tube. There was some trouble with the original link so I did change that. I doubt I will press the issue any further, if you are interested in the videos and cant find them you will email me, I hope. . . . . I strongly recommend you click on the little four poster icon in the bottom right corner of the picture frame and enlarge the scene to full screen. My total results, good and bad, are there to see. Please leave comments. More good news: Roy Hill, my landlord, has cleaned out his three car garage and offered me one of the spots to park my car. It is right next to my apartment and has it’s own remote control for the garage door. He said he and his wife were impressed with the way I fuss over my car, keeping it clean and looking good. Since he has sold his boat and moved it out they decided to give the spot to me. That was very nice of them and it made me forget all about my bad luck bowling yesterday. Following is the YOU TUBE link I hope works for all.   Or log in to YouTube and just type in celford52. . . . The mechanic from R&R motors claims to have been here at 1pm knocking on my door to deliver the car. He said I was not here. I have not been out of the house all day. Anyway I discovered that about 4:30 when I phoned them. They had the wrong address and a different guy was delivering the car than the one who picked it up. They still had Barbara’s address on my records. A great waste of gas and it was all my gas! Thankfully the second guy had a cell phone and they were able to phone him and redirect him to my new address which I furnished the office via phone. They had also left a message on Barbara’s phone letting me know the car was ready. Once they arrived here I went with them to pay the bill, give them my new phone number and then headed towards Caren’s place for a visit. They now have a new drug baby to care for for a short time. A cute little one year old, smiles a lot and seems really happy. I stopped by to see Mel on my way home and explained why he ‘saw’ me drive by his place twice today without stopping or waving or even acknowledging that he existed. He was having trouble trying to figure what I was up to when in fact it was Ray from R&R motors attempting to deliver my car to me at Barbara’s address. Great fun!

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