Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Here are a few pictures I took over this past weekend of the Big Parade. Carnaval in Mazatlan! The Parade was not as well attended  [float-wise] as the past two years. I did notice that many more young people were involved this year than in the past. I would guess the average age of the participants was near 17. The first picture below was taken 10:30 AM Sunday............
 This picture was taken near the same location near 5PM Same day.

It was near 6 PM when the floats began moving. The idea was to have them arrive at the Gold Zone at dark.

This young lady was being strapped in, high off the ground on a small perch. She does not appear to be really excited and her friend seems less so.

Bano [Restroom] break, dancing all the way!

After being up there for a while she is showing much more confidence.

This is Monday morning at the south end of the Malicon, Clean up time! One more parade on Tuesday night and it is all over for another year. 

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