Wednesday, February 23, 2011


23rd. . . . We had sloppy snow for a while today. Actually it came down several times but melted away almost immediately. The worse time was while I was driving to the post office to pick up a 2010 Tax guide. They do not have them. The lady told me she was not sure they would get any. I returned home and found everything I needed to know on the puter. Having the book right in front of me is much quicker but with more experience I am sure I will be able to cut the time. . . . . Doggie and I stayed inside today except for the short trip to the Post Office. The weather report still predicts more snow so I am excited to see if it keeps me from getting to my bowling game tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Thought you might like to know, they have tax forms, etc at the Castle Rock Libary.
