Thursday, January 3, 2013


. . . . The thermometer read 27 this morning, no wind and no clouds. The sunshine is great! Roy told me he checked his thermometer at 5am and it read 21. The sun was bright and shining when I left at 9:45 to drive up the hill to see Bernita about a haircut. After leaving there I stopped by R&R Motors to remind them that I would be by about 5PM next Tuesday to drop off the car for the winter. Chris is going to spend his free time during the cold months to find out what is needed to get that transmission working correctly. I am sure it will be in excellent shape when I get back. After leaving R&R I drove home for lunch then continued on to the bowling alley. I was happy to have bowled a 437 series which is very close to a 146 average for the day. I met Sharon, who will be taking my place for the balance of the year and told my other team members to expect me back in the spring. I then went to Safeway for some milk and bananas and while checking out received a twenty cent per gallon discount on gasoline so I filled up the tank at $3.11 per gallon. It was a good day, I should mention that the clouds are rolling in quickly and it is getting cold. Snow is on the way, I wish not, however. As I was typing the above I noticed three deer outside my window. I ran for the camera and as I was snapping away I realized that there were actually four deer in attendance. They were all small but if the people with the hunting rifles don’t see them they may grow up to be nice looking animals. I saw no sign of horns on the deer.

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