Monday, March 18, 2013


Today was a Holiday in Mexico so a lot of the businesses were closed including the University where Natalia works. She spent the morning checking on her mother and I got caught up with my laundry. The library was open because it is a private library owned by a U.S. citizen who does not pay a lot of attention to Mexican Holidays. I got to the library about noon and left two books behind and bought a used one for twenty pesos. I had lunch at a place I remembered from last year but had not yet visited this year. I had been by the place several times but they do not start to serve lunch until 1PM and I am usually ready to eat by noon. I had lunch and read until after two than started to meander toward the house. The place I buy my special ice cream bar was out of them today so no ice cream. I am particular sometime. .  .  .  I got back at four and visited with Natalia for a while before she went out then I stretched out to read for a while before deciding to post the blog. 
This was another great t-shirt day.
This is a good picture of the three islands [the large ones] off the coast of MZT. They are uninhabited and used as animal sanctuaries. Birds mostly, I suppose.
The south end of the Malecon at low tide. The beach is used mostly by guests of the hotels housed in the two largest building you can see. Behind the tallest building is where the library and Macaw's Restaurant is.
I was standing in front of the tallest building [above] when I took this picture on the night of the Carnaval Parade. This is looking North.

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