Saturday, February 25, 2012


. . . . Natalia felt bad that she could not cook breakfast this morning but she had an appointment with the bus company that is to furnish transportation for her next hike on March 11tth. It appears the bus she signed for cannot make it over the road she is requesting so they have to agree on a different bus. However that appointment did not interfere with her morning cooking program for next week; she was up and running early enough for that.  I told her it was nice to have a day off. She laughed. She might have sneaked a couple of bites of vegetables while preparing the soup but I never did see her have time for breakfast. She has a day off and has left the house earlier than she would if it were a work day. I fixed myself a bowl of cereal and pondered this new day. I decided to take my book and go exploring. I left the house at 9:30 and took a few pictures of the ocean, sat and read several times, ate twice while I was out and bought another book at the local book store/library. While setting out front of the library Nancy came by and visited for a minute until a friend of hers came by and they both disappeared around the corner never to be seen again. I returned home at 4:30 and visited with Natalia for a few minutes before she left to go out with an American girl friend she has not visited with for some time. I was tired and ready to call it a day. . . . .It happened that today became another of those periods when I have been unable to get on Comcast so my email will have to be checked later. I hope I will be able to post to the blog.

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