Sunday, February 26, 2012


……….I failed to mention in yesterday’s blog that the correct spelling for that golf cart sized taxi is Pulmonia. I believe it is named after the man who first introduced it to the city in 1965. There is a monument to his honor on the Beach. Perhaps I had mentioned an allergy problem I was having. This morning I was too tired to get out of bed with any amount of vim and vigor, Natalia fixed a really nice liver meal for breakfast. Liver in a red sauce and Tortilla’s. After breakfast I helped where I could while she prepared her weekly meals for her family. Eventually though I began to feel cold so I returned to bed wrapped in my blanket.  I attempted to read but that lead to falling asleep. When I awoke at 1PM I found a note from Natalia telling me about lunch that she had left in the micro-wave for me. She had gone to visit family. After eating I felt much better but still could not bring myself to get out of the house.  This also turned out to be another day when I was unable to find Comcast on line so my email will wait until late tonight or tomorrow some time. Natalia returned home at 6pm and I visited with her as she ate dinner. She fixed me some hot honey and lime juice for any possible sore throat that I might be getting. Just before I went to bed she had me mix some bicarbonate of soda and water for some reason. I drank that down then she laughed when I complained that it ruined the taste of the honey and lime.

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