Thursday, April 14, 2011


Thursday. . . . The weather certainly is not anything to write home about. I have heard it is going to improve by the weekend but if that is true it is going to have to make a mighty big change in a might short length of time. I arrived at the Bowling Banquet a few minutes before noon and found Dave, my instructor in the bar so I joined him. We swapped lies for a while then took our drinks to the dinner table and found Sharon, another of our team sitting with her sister and husband. We joined them and waited for our chicken fried steak to be delivered. As it turned out we had to go get our own, that was the procedure. As a matter of fact I thought the high ‘dues’ we were paying each week to bowl was paying for the dinner but no such luck. The meal cost eight dollars. It was a pretty good $4 dinner. I had another Bacardi Coke and enjoyed the festivities. When the meal ended and they passed out prizes for the year I got $63 for some reason or other so the whole day ended up being a pretty good deal. After the banquet came to a complete halt six of us retired across town to the Bowling alley for a team conference; that amounted to having another drink and telling more lies. My original plan was to use the time practicing my bowling but decided to be sociable instead. So unlike me. I nursed a beer for over an hour before driving home. I got back around 4pm and still I was kicking myself for not practicing.

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