Saturday, April 2, 2011


   I put in a full day today, I didn't start out planning on a busy day but one thing lead to another and I ended up accomplishing a lot of good stuff. It all began with a good breakfast then while the sun was shining the doggie and I left for a walk. Of course it had to sprinkle all the time we were gone [about forty minutes] but it cleared up nicely as soon as we returned.. . . .  I pulled out my 2010 tax forms and was getting ready to write the $459.00 check when I decided just for the heck of it to run the whole thing through one of those free tax preparation programs on line. I chose and went to work punching in all of the numbers and his bottom line was no tax due. So I just punched a few more buttons and filed it right there on the spot. I hope the IRS accepts it with no trouble.. . . After that I got to thinking about last years $1,034.00 check I sent them. I decided to run that through the free tax program too. That time it showed I paid $646.00 too much so I printed out an amended return and sent that off requesting a $646.00 refund. Can't hurt, I figured, all they can do is show me where I am wrong. All of this took a lot of time and I finally turned the computer off about 7PM.
I hope the final result shows that I had a good day. We shall see in a few weeks when the letters come from the IRS. . . . . .I found no NASCAR races last Sunday so I hope they are on TV tomorrow, that will keep me busy until I go bowling on Monday. I expect to tear up the lanes at practice. Maybe one day I will get good enough to do as well during regular bowling. Next Thursday is the final game of the season, the following Thursday will be the banquet then the Summer season starts a week later. Perhaps a year from now I'll be a better bowler, I sure as heck hope so!. . . . I still have that little corner full of stuff that has not been put away at my new place. I may get at that tomorrow, then I will be completely moved in! Sorry for the small print again, I forgot to change the font size and I'm too lazy to retype it. I don't know how to make it larger after it is typed. We all have our problems.

1 comment:

  1. You don't have to re-type anything. Just go to "edit post" and highlight your post. Then click on the icon for print size, click on the larger print , and "presto" your entise post is done in larger print. Click on "save changes", and you are "in like Flynt"
    Most people think it is "In Like Flynn" but I believe that the politician for whom that phrase was "coined" was named Flynt....In Like Flynt
