Thursday, April 21, 2011


  Today was a busy one. I met Vonda at Comcast at 9Am to get my old email address verified to be used as my new address. That took about 6 minutes and I had a Pacemaker tech meeting at 11am so there was a lot of time to kill. I then went to Safeway and left $80 in their till before driving home to put the stuff away. I had ice cream and didn't want it to melt. When I got home and  put things where they belonged I discovered I did not have enough time to set up my email address so I left just in time to get to the Pacemaker Tech. That report was fine, she told me I am in good shape to do all of the traveling I want this summer. That made me feel good. I was still ahead of schedule so I stopped by Burger King and had lunch at 11:30. I was getting hungry because I had eaten breakfast at 7:30 this morning.. . . .I got to the bowling alley around noon and found the team that Sharon was putting together. They expected me to join them and it sounded like a good idea to me so that is how I got a team this summer. We started bowling about 12:30 and didn't finish until almost 3:00. Again, the team I am on is the slowest team of them all. I think Sharon and her sister would rather visit than bowl. Any way, I did very well, 147-175-165. As a matter of fact I was third from the top of the eight bowlers on the two teams. The problem is my average is starting out 20 points more than I finished with in the winter league It is going to be tough to maintain that but I will give it a try. This new average is what I always thought I should be able to maintain and progress from so it will work out fine. They already know I will miss 6-8 Thursdays this summer and that is fine because Verda, from the winter league will fill in for any of us who are gone.. . . I phoned Comcast and asked them to correct my email address to what it was before and after being away from the phone for about seven minutes he came back and told me it had been done. I have sent email since then but so far I have not received anything. Film at 11:00.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, good bowling'll be pro before we know it. I'm glad to hear you're keeping busy and healthy. Carry on.
