Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Tuesday 25th. . . . I did laundry today. It was on my mind so I got it out of the way before I started working on my chess moves. Time was flying by and before I finished my chess moves the clock above the puter was reading 1PM. Had a fire going in the fireplace and my bowling ball was bleeding oil right beside it. It is surprising how much oil those balls pick up from the floor each week. I wipe it off with a paper towel and turn it about a quarter turn each half hour or so……Phoned Caren a few minutes  ago and was told that Colter is doing fine and is expected to be coming home tomorrow. I developed a slight cough earlier today, I’m going to get some extra rest tonight and hope to nip this in the bud.
This picture of Mom and me was taken about 1965. Madeline and Leonard sent it to me, perhaps I can get them to send some more. I  left all of my old pictures in California seven years ago.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!! Thanks for sharing that photo with us.
    I sure see Barbara in your mother; especially in the smile. And you....you look the same, just a little younger in the photo. Nice tie!
    Again...thanks, I love it.
