Friday, January 28, 2011


Friday 28. . . . I had a weird dream during the night and in the process of the dream I ended up kicking the devil out of some guy. The first couple of swings with my right foot didn’t seem to do much good so I took another harder one. The last kick woke me up with a throbbing and bloody toe. My right big toe had come in contact with the dresser next to the bed. That was when the dream ended and reality took over. I new it hurt but I didn’t look at it till morning and when I did I found blood on my foot and  on the bedding too. I went to the bathroom sink to clean up the toe and found there was no color in the big toenail. I guess it had been broken at the quick and the blood supply has been cut off. It is a sick blue/gray color. I wrapped a band aid around it and I am sure that when I remove it in a week or so the nail will come with it. There is a bit of pain when I walk but with a little luck it will not get in the way of a good bowling score next time I try. My poor toe has a booboo. Heck of a way to start a new day. . . . .Bill offered to take me to dinner for my Birthday so today was the day we did that. I drove into Longview and picked him up and we had dinner in Castle Rock at the 49ER. I had a pretty good steak and brought enough of it home to have steak and egg breakfast two days in a row. We had a good time driving in a rain storm, it stopped by the time we got out of the Castle Rock area but it was really coming down for a while. It turned out to be a good day. Even with the rain.


  1. Sorry to hear about you toe, but it was quite a funny story. Glenda

  2. I'm so sorry about your toe Uncle Cliff! Doggone reality dreams anyway! (((that's what he gets for watching O'Reily)))(giggle). And as for Billy taking you for lunch/dinner lets just think of it as the thought was "kinda" there. You forgot to tell the most important part though. Billy said you saved his life! He said he began choking on a piece of his chicken and couldn't breath! Thanks to YOU doing the Heimlich Maneuver the chicken dislodged and he could again breath! Thank you! Thank you! Thank You! We love you very much! Caren
