Sunday, March 27, 2011

March 27

 Well, I am in my new place but far from finished. The puter desk was the biggest problem I had to deal with, it is now in position and I will never move it again, I'm getting too old for the hassle. My plan this morning was to give an accounting of the entire move but since it is over I think I will forget about all the crazy stuff and move on with putting things away and enjoying the NASCAR race when it starts shortly.. . . Before I do that though I must say thank you, Ron Teigen!
He did a good job of driving between the rain drops during the entire move. I never noticed a drop of water on anything. However, 15 minutes after he dropped me off for the last time and I got in my car the skies opened up and dumped big time....... I'm going to cut this short and get back to work. Ask me about putting the desk together at 3AM. That was after I went to bed at 7pm Saturday night and woke up 8 hours later all rested and ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. You are welcome Unc! Glad I could be of help. Anytime you need me just call. I think Caren is going to be over to see you often even if you don't need her, but I guess you already knew that. She has a pretty special place in her heart for you. Ron
