Tuesday, March 22, 2011


    I had a lot of trouble getting started today, no reason for it, I was just lazy until after I had lunch then things seemed to change. I had a small bookshelf next to my bed that was full of college lecture courses I have purchased in the past seven years. Today was  the day to dust them off and move them to the new apartment. I stopped by the Post Office on my way  and officially changed my address . When I drove down the driveway to the apartment I saw a deer standing about 50 feet from my door. It never moved until I accidently hit my horn while getting out of the car. And even then it only moved a few feet. After getting inside I looked out my bedroom window and saw three more deer down the side of the hill that is directly behind the building. The first one was in the mood to jump the fence and join the others so I watched for a minute or so and sure enough he took flight and very lightly cleared that five foot fence. Poetry in motion, that jump. They were grazing on the side of the hill not more than 150 feet from me for as long as I watched. ChiChi never saw any of them or if he did he was to afraid to make a fuss. After getting the bookshelf back together and the contents placed where I wanted them I drove ChiChi and I to town for some groceries. We were back home by 2:30. Not a whole lot was accomplished after that, except for the large stuff the move is about complete. After bowling Thursday I will haul my computer over there so it will be ready for the cable guy to hook up on Friday morning. After the cable guy leaves  I will haul the full dresser drawers over to the new place and Saturday morning Ron will help me transport the dressers themselves. My computer desk and bed will also be taken over then. Since my bed will no longer be at 2278 it looks like Saturday night will be my first night in the new place. I am interested to know how much trouble I will have with the railroad since it is only about 600 feet away. [beyond the place where the deer were today]. 

1 comment:

  1. The railroad won't be a problem, but when those engineers pull that airhorn at 3:00 A.M. and you find yourself stuck to the cieling of your new "Digs" it might get interesting! You'll get used to it....eventually. Look at all the people who get used to living under the approach & departure airspace of major airport runways. After you have lost what's left of your hearing (and sanity) you won't even know the trains are there. Except for the stuff that vibrates off of wherever you have set it when a 3 mile long freight train rumbles through...
