Sunday, March 13, 2011


.....I was wide awake at 6am and by the time I had the clocks set ahead an hour I was right on schedule. It seems to be very easy for me to adjust to daylight savings time! I got into a bit of closet cleaning and boxing stuff today. I took my time and made an effort to toss out some things that I no longer want taking up room in my new place. Doggie is starting to wonder what is going on and I tried to explain it to him but he still acts confused, sniffing and smelling the things that are spread all over the floor and bed. I am not doing a great job of packing things because my plan is to drive a car load to the new place and take it out of the boxes before returning home to fill the same boxes again. It is still going to be a couple of weeks before all of this happens but it feels good to get started. I am looking forward to the new living space, neighbors and adventures. . . . . .  I searched the TV for NASCAR racing today but was unable to find it, that is the highlight of my Sundays except when I go bowling. Today I got so wrapped up in cleaning out the closet I forgot all about bowling so I plan to drive into Longview tomorrow and bowl a couple of 300 games to make up for it. Well, we have to dream in order to have dreams come true, right?. . . . . This evening I watched a movie without the popcorn and cheese. I broke down and had chocolate chip cookies with peanut butter and a glass of milk instead.. . .  .It certainly was nice to see the sun up so late, now the weather has to get warmer and all will be perfect again. We had a lot of rain today and at one point very high winds with tons of rain coming down, really exciting unless you have a leaky roof.

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